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--- Sanny Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> PANJIM, SEPT 4 – In an interesting development and a
> move
> to clamp down on abortions and pre-natal sex
> determination clinics, the
> district administrations have stepped in to act
> against erring clinics in the
> state. 
> Mr Naik said, “The clinics will also have to submit
> to the collectorate on
> the 5th of every month a report of all sonographies
> conducted in the previous
> month which will indicate the kind of tests
> conducted.”

Among the many stories Sanny Vaz reported, being a
woman I found this one of immense interest. Here is a
story that (a) the media should take to task (b) women
should be up in arms about(c) doctors and technicians
should be violently protesting against.

Let me take this point by point:
Clamp-down on abortion
(a) Abortion is legal in India, so why should there be
a clamp down on abortion? Are the police now going to
play moral adjudicator in deciding which abortion
falls within the purview of moral acceptability and
which ones do not. This is a very tricky task, at
worst it is an infringement on one's civil rights and
at worst all it does it give authorities the right to
persecute technicians and pregnant women, persecutions
which no doubt will stop upon the necessary bribes
being paid.

Clamp-down on sex-determination
(b) Any women who has been pregnant and gone in for an
ultra-sound knows that this clamp-down is the most
bogus thing instituted. No amount of records being
verified and perused by some babu in a government
agency, is going to reveal pregnancies that have been
terminated on account of sex-determination. The reason
is simple. All it takes is a nod from the technician
to come to know the sex of the baby during an
ultra-sound examination. No further testing or
recording of results is necessary. So again, all this
will yield is persecution of clinic technicians and
pregnant women.

I honestly think that people making the laws in India
are so divorced from reality that they must be making
it in a sort of trance. Perhaps the real reason is to
finance the low-interest housing loan repayments of
all those babus working in government policing
agencies. Ah, the bliss of bribes and babudom!!


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