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education policy soon: CM 

NT Staff Reporter

Panaji, Sept 5 The Chief Minister, Mr Digambar Kamat today
announced that the government will soon come out with a new education policy,
covering right from the pre-primary level, to bring about the much needed
improvement in the education system.

He said education advisory council will be constituted comprising
educationists who will frame the guidelines and other aspects related to the
education policy.

Mr Kamat was speaking as the chief guest after presenting state
awards to five teachers for their meritorious services to the society on the
occasion of 46th Teachers’ Day celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary
of Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, former president and philosopher, at a function
held at Kala Academy, here.

The Chief Minister said the policy of the state government will be
to hand over the education field to educationists to run it. Let educationists
decide the policy of the education and the same will be implemented by the
state government in right earnest, he said.

Mr Kamat who is also holding the education portfolio told teachers
to adhere to sincerity and dedication while discharging their duties and play a
pivotal role to shape the future of students. Students should also give respect
to their teachers, Mr Kamat said.

The Chief Minister said education is the basic requirement in life
which apart from creating a cultural society is needed to make Goa an ideal 

Mr Kamat opined that the students are devoting their time for
unproductive purposes such as watching television programmes rather than
concentrating on studies and other extra-curricular activities. Teachers with
their sacred duties can also guide the students to reduce their interest in
television, he added. Mr Kamat had a special word of praise for the teachers
working in rural areas.

The recipients of state awards are Ms Achala Shinde, Government
Primary School, Khorlim-Mapusa, Mr Pramod Prabhudessai, Government Primary
School, Moti-Dongar, Margao, Ms Pushpa Gaitonde, Government Multipurpose High
School Borda, Margao, Ms Susan Vaz, headmistress, Government High School, Ponda
and Mr Pradeep Masurkar DIET, Porvorim. The award carries a cash prize of Rs
25,000, a certificate and a memento. Prizes for highest collection towards
national education fund were distributed by secretary education to the
Mormugao, Salcete amd Bicholim taluka respectively.

hillock develops 3-metre wide crack 

NT Staff Reporter

Panaji, Sept 5 The movement of traffic on Panaji-Mapusa route was
affected once again today following fresh landslide at the same spot, which
occurred yesterday. However, the fresh landslide that occurred around midnight
was more severe according to state authorities.

The principal chief engineer of PWD, Mr Anand M Wachasundar said
that the top of the hillock has also developed a crack of about 120 metres in 
length and
about three feet wide and 10
 metres deep, which could collapse any moment.

The removal of the debris has to be undertaken under most secured
methods, he added.

Mr Wachasundar said that incessant rains that have been lashing
the state for more than a week coupled with weakening of the lateritic soil
could have caused the landslide, even as he feared that rains could hamper
clearing of the debris.

He said that the officials would not take any chances and that the
traffic would be diverted during the night so as to undertake the work on
removal of debris, boulders, as well as around 30,000 cubic metres
of mud from the affected part of the 21 metre high hillock.

He said that the operation clear the mud as well as so as to
remove the danger could last for more than a day and that flow of traffic was
bound to be affected. The authorities have arrangements for diversion of
traffic via Betim and other areas.

The traffic moved at snail’s speed for most part of the day today
and that the traffic policemen had harrowing time controlling it.

Many road users trying to reach their destinations got involved in
arguments over the right to way.

on Mhadei: SC asks Centre, Karnataka govt to file affidavit 

NT Staff Reporter

Panaji, Sept 5 The Supreme Court today directed the Karnataka and
central government to file affidavit in response to the work at the Mhadei
basin, and make their stands clear on the issue of diverting of water from the

The Chief Minister, Mr Digambar Kamat told reporters that when the
matter came up for hearing today, the counsel for the state government brought
to the notice of the apex court that the Karnataka government was undertaking
work on projects.

The court thereafter directed the government of Karnataka and the
Centre to file affidavits within three weeks.

owe power dept Rs 182 crore 

NT News Service

Margao, Sept 5 Domestic and industrial electricity consumers owe
the power department a whopping Rs 182 crore, which includes some disputed
cases, the Power Minister, Mr Alexio Sequeira, said today, adding that the
department was taking steps to recover the outstanding dues.

The state electricity department has set up a committee to settle
disputed bills, under the chairmanship of the chief electrical engineer, Mr
Nirmal Braganza, he said further during an informal chat with the media at the
collectorate, here.

Besides the chief electrical engineer, the committee also includes
representatives of finance and law department, three members of the power
advisory board, member secretaries and joint director of accounts.

Today was the Power Minister’s first visit to the collectorate, as
part of his fortnightly sojourn to hear public grievances. He will be visiting
the collectorate once in a fortnight on a Wednesday.

According to Mr Sequeira, the only way to recover pending dues was
to disconnect a power connection.

It is reliably learnt that those who owe the department include
some major power guzzling industries in the state.

The Power Minister informed that he was very serious in pursuing
the plan to set up gas-based power plants in the state.

According to a government of India order, all fertilizer
manufacturing plants have to shift from naphtha to gas by 2009, he disclosed.
On account of the order, fertilizer manufacturing industries and many others,
in the state will prefer gas-based energy, he said. Besides being relatively
clean, gas is a cheaper alternative of fuel.

The demand for energy will increase, he further disclosed, as the
government had approved couple of SEZs in the state. Besides more industries
will set up shop in future, he added.

Mr Sequeira informed that work on underground electricity cabling
had been completed in Margao city and was going on in certain areas of coastal

He said most of the problems of the consumers would be solved, if
the department could convert the high tension lines into underground.

He disclosed that the department will request for additional funds
to take up more areas for underground cabling.

When queried on the erratic service provided by the mobile power
vans, Mr Sequeira opined that the concept was excellent, though there were
problems with its implementation. Mr Sequeira said that since the government
had tendered the mobile van service to a private contractor, the government
could do very little in the matter.

vacillating policy may scare investors, says Hotel Leela 

NT News Service

Margao, Sept 5 The five-star resort, Hotel Leela, Goa, today said it did not 
want to add to the acrimony
over the contentious casino vessel issue, but questioned the state government’s
vacillating tourism policy.

Legal adviser for the resort, Mr Ashwin Naik said that the resort
had obtained all the possible licences, complied with the laws and paid the
required fees, while venturing into the offshore casino business.

Putting the onus on the government, Mr Naik reminded that it was
the state that had come out with the policy of setting up offshore casinos, in
an attempt to boost tourism industry. “Which investor will come to Goa, if 
every government goes on changing its industrial
policy?” Mr Naik asked.

The head of administration, Mr Shakti Prashad was also present at
the media briefing today morning.

Stating that they did not want to take a confronting stand, Mr
Naik decried at attempts made to paint Hotel Leela as the villain.

“To toss an issue and vilify an honest business endeavour is
despicable to say the least,” Mr Naik countered.

“We have been made scapegoat in the issue,” he said and added that
some fly-by-night organisations have made some serious allegations against the

Mr Naik did not elaborate on whether Hotel Leela would take legal
steps to counter the moves, against their business interest.

“We have a logical Chief Minister in the state. We will appreciate
any initiative taken by him,” he said.

Debunking the charge of ecological damage, Mr Naik disclosed that
Hotel Leela would be the last to cause any damage to ecology or environment.

He pointed out that the resort had recently won a prestigious
international award for safeguarding ecology.

On the dredging issue, he claimed that the resort was only
“desilting” part of the river, which was adjacent to their property.

Dredging was a complex activity, which needs deep digging and
scooping of the material, he claimed. Desilting was like “scrapping” the
sea-bed, he added.

According to the legal advisor, “offshore” means away from any
land bordering a water body. He said any bank was a shore and cited the example
of offshore rigs in the Brahamputra river.

Stating that there was no permanent dumping of silt near the river
Sal, he said: “It was just a temporary site to store the silt.” He further
disclosed that the resort was paying rent to the government for the site and
that the silt would be permanently displaced later.

Condemning those who claim that there would be law and order
problem on account of the casino issue, Mr Naik said that Goa
was known to be a peaceful place all over the world.

“We are here for the last 16 years. We have no intention to
disturb peace of the locals,” Mr Naik said.


of Margao victims are migrants 

by Agnelo Pereira

By and large the ‘female’ species of the mosquito has saved the
blushes for the man on the street in Margao.

A comparative figure during the last two years, reveals that
malaria cases have more or less remained static in this commercial town.

“This year the falciparum malaria cases have come down by 5 per
cent. Last year there were 20 per cent of falciparum cases as against 15 per
cent reported up to August this year,” the health officer, Dr Geeta Kakodkar

However in August, this year, 37 persons were affected with
falciparum while the figure for August, last year, was 12.

This year there were two deaths reported in the city, after a
nine-year-old local and a migrant adult succumbed to falciparum malaria. In
both the cases the treatment was reportedly delayed and the infection detected
at an advanced stage.

A closer look at the figures reported at the Urban Health Centre,
indicates a sudden spurt in malarial cases in June and July.

According to the health officer, Dr Geeta Kakodkar at the Urban
Health Centre, this was quite normal as monsoon was considered as the
“transmission season”.

The scourge of malaria was mostly prevalent in migrants, as 90 per
cent of the cases reported were from the labour class (construction workers),
Dr Kakodkar disclosed.

According to the health officer most of the migrants descend from
Orissa and Jharkhand and are already infected with the parasite, when they
touch Goa.

High incidents of malaria in the city were reported from Borda and
Fatorda and as usual there was high incidence of construction activity in these
two areas.

This fact was corroborated by the medical superintendent of
Hospicio Hospital, Dr Ruando De Sa.

“50 big constructions and another 170 of smaller nature are going
on in Margao and its suburbs,” Dr Kakodkar disclosed.

Measures like anti-larval spraying in public areas help to control
the breeding of malaria, the health officer said, but stressed the importance
of public awareness and participation to curb the scourge.

Hospicio’s Dr De Sa concurred with the health officer’s view and
emphasised the participation of the “society” to control the spread of malaria.

“People must take steps to keep the surroundings clean and empty
water collection containers. Besides any fever must be checked for malaria,” Dr
Kakodkar said.

Dr De Sa pointed out that at times various tests for malaria are
reported negative. But the symptoms are exactly of malaria. “In such cases we
recommend the normal course of malarial treatment,” he said.

The health officer also spoke about a “new treatment protocol”
followed by the department to reduce the spread of malaria.

“It means using the existing methods in a more vigorous and
innovative way to cut down the transmission of malaria,” the health officer
explained. According to the health officer it was a difficult proposition to
keep a tab on the movement of migrants.

“We have put a surveillance system in place. Our surveillance
workers go around and inspect sites and also collect information, besides
taking slides of the construction workers,” Dr Kakodkar informed.

Getting builders to comply with NOCs and other requirements was of
much significance, the health officer stressed. She suggested that bigger
builders could also be convinced to conduct anti-larval spraying in their area,
under the supervision of the health centre.

Another medical practitioner suggested imposing hefty fine against
defaulting builders. “The current fine imposed by the government is peanuts for
these builders,” the doctor argued and even recommended imprisonment as a

to support institutions encouraging sports, says CM 

NT News Desk

Panaji, Sept 5 The Chief Minister, Mr Digambar Kamat said that he
has a dream to make Goa a model state in the
country and there is a need for the state to excel in all the fields,
especially in education.

Mr Kamat was speaking on the occasion of ‘Teachers’ Day’ at the Green Rosary
 High School, Dona Paula

Mr Kamat lauded the achievements of students like Ivana Furtado,
who has brought laurels to the state and the country in chess. He also had a
work of praise for students like Tanya Pinto, Talasha Prabhu and others.

The Chief Minister said that the government would give all support
to such institutions which are also encouraging sports, apart from their
regular studies.

Mr Kamat congratulated the teachers and parents of the school for
the achievement of the students. He recalled his days as an NCC cadet for the
discipline that was being inculcated.

“Now students, especially boys, don’t take interest in NCC but the
girl students coming forward in every field and doing well. In the electricity
department there are girls who are engineers and they are doing very well,’’ he

Earlier, the Chief Minister felicitated Ivana Furtado, who
clinched a gold at Georgia
in chess and who has bagged several other medals at the Asia
and national level. He also felicitated other students who have excelled in
various fields.

Mr Kamat also felicitated two teachers of the school, Ms Teofila
Lopes and Ms Leena Pai for their dedicated services. The vice president of the
Parent Teachers’ Association, Mr Victor Vaz also spoke. Mr Elvis Pereira, the
commissioner of the CCP was present on the occasion.

urged to remove casino boat from river Sal 

NT News Desk

Panaji, Sept 5 The Council for Social Justice and Peace (CSJP) has
demanded that the government remove the “casino boat” from the river Sal
without any further delay, says a press note released today.

The council claims that the two main rivers (Zuari and Mandovi)
and four smaller ones are the life-line of the people as they sustain a diverse
and fragile ecosystem and this area of the river Sal is the breeding ground for
a variety of shellfish.

In the past, sand extraction and shells-extraction resulted in
total disappearance of the shell-fish, but the people objected and stopped

The fisheries department had declared this area of the River Sal
as a mini fishing harbour and has built a jetty for fishing craft at Cutbona,
from which about 300 such crafts ply in and out of the river.

The press note says that the Captain of ports department had
permitted a private party to tow into the river the boat and this boat is
anchored 15 metres
from the jetty. This boat is meant to used as a ‘casino’ and the said ‘private
party’ has been granted permission to operate the casino.

However, reports say that few months back the Captain of ports had
asked that the boat be removed from the river Sal and that about three weeks
ago, the director of fisheries gave similar orders but the boat continues to be
anchored in the river.

pays surprise visit to GMC 

NT Staff Reporter

Panaji, Sept 5 The Health Minister, Mr Vishwajeet Rane paid a
surprise visit to the casualty department of Goa Medical College and Hospital,
Bambolim, late this evening only to find that only one servant was on duty in
the department, thereby putting pressure on the medical staff as well as the
relatives of the patient visiting the GMC.

The Health Minister was taken by surprised to find that despite
the fact that he being informed that the GMC had adequate staff only one class
IV employee was on duty in the casualty department, which has a number of
patients at any given time.

Mr Rane told ‘The Navhind Times’ that he thereafter summoned the
medical superintendent, Dr Rajan Kunkolienkar, as well as the dean, Dr V JN
Jindal, and directed them to immediately make arrangements to post staff to the
casualty department.

He also said that it was brought to his notice that there was
shortage of staff in gynaecology ward also and that he told the management of
GMC that they have to ensure that adequate staff was provided in all wards and

The Health Minister said that he would hold a meeting with the GMC
management to discuss the issue and all the “wrongs” in the premier health
institution in the state.

Our Margao Bureau Adds: Mr Vishwajeet Rane today announced plans
to make a provision of Rs 2-crore for up-gradation of the out patient
department of the Goa
 Medical College
and Hospital, Bambolim.

He made a similar provision of Rs 35 lakh for up-gradation of
casualty in Hospicio, Margao.

With an eye on hygiene and cleanliness, he said government had
plans to outsource the service of class IV workers.

He further disclosed that government had decided to absorb doctors
on contract, to fill up vacant posts at various hospitals in the State.

The health minister was on a surprise visit to Hospicio, late
Wednesday evening.

Informing that government was seriously trying to ease problems
faced by the hospital staff, Mr Rane disclosed that all the problems of staff
shortage and other issues affecting the employees will be taken care of by
December 30.

In an effort to provide better and hygienic food to patients in
Hospicio, Mr Rane said that the rate of a meal has been hiked to Rs 35 a day. 
Earlier the rate was
Rs 25.

He stated that a new ambulance had been sanctioned to Hospicio,
but was held up due to bureaucratic wrangles.

Speaking further he said that the government had already approved
and finalized plans for a new district hospital in Margao.

“Only land to set up the new hospital was left to be identified,”
he said, adding that GSIDC will take up the project.

He also said that the Chief Minister, Mr Digambar Kamat took extra
pains to sanction all the facilities and requirements of the Hospicio.

He informed that the State Health Advisory Committee will be
meeting in October, to discuss and plan ways to bring more innovative changes
in health care.

Mr Rane will be visiting the Canacona Community Centre on

markets, favourite for apple purchasers 

NT News Service

Margao, Sept 5 This year the south Goa
planning and development authority fruit and vegetable market  and
Gandhi market in Margao have emerged as favourite destinations for apple

Varieties of apple have been sold in the wholesale market for
anything between Rs 175 and Rs 200 per dozen.

After a bumper crop in the apple growing belts of Himachal
Pradesh, around 50 trucks - which means around 5,000 cartons of the fruit -
have been unloaded at the fruit market, informed officials of the market

During the past one month, the sale and purchase of apples has
registered an increase of about 4 per cent as compared to last year, said
commission agents in the market. They said a bumper crop also meant a decline
in the prices.

Mr Banai  Shaik, a  wholesale  dealer  said
that consignments have already began to arrive from various parts  of India. He 
said that it would take some time for superior variety of apples to reach
the markets.

The fruit vendors and the wholesalers however said that
elaborate arrangement for parking, loading and unloading of the apple cartons
have to be made to avoid traffic congestion in the Gandhi market.

Mr Shaik said that  administration should  direct 
the traffic police not to challan trucks waiting to offload their
consignment,  and that separate parking areas for the trucks should be
earmarked around the market  during the Ganesh festival.

driver assaulted 

NT News Service

Margao, Sept 5 Six persons attacked a bus driver plying on the
Mumbai-Margao road, at Ambaji junction today morning. Four of them came in two
private cars while two came by bus, informed the police.

The driver of the bus Mr Chamen Mulla has been admitted in the Margao Hospicio

The police said that two assailants who were travelling by bus are
from Pazorconi and allegedly had an argument with the driver. The Margao police
have seized one car used in the assault and some weapons. According to the
police, an offence under Sections 143, 147, 341, 506 (II), 326 read with 149 of
Indian Penal Code has been registered.

against the assailants.

sarpanch deposed 

NT News Service

Canacona, Sept 5 The sarpanch of Loliem-Polem village panchayat,
Ms Pranali Prabhugaonkar, the sarpanch of Loliem-Polem village panchayat, was
ousted today morning, said Mr Manuel Barreto, the presiding officer and
Canacona block development officer.Mr Barreto said that five members, including
deputy sarpanch, Mr Xavier D’Silva had served a no-confidence notice against
the sarpanch. The total strength of the panchayat is nine. The other
signatories are Ms Urmila Ramesh Lolienkar, Mr Elvis Fernandes, Mr Vishvesh
Acharaya and Mr Jerson Fernandes. The signatories claimed that Ms
Prabhugaonkar was not available to the public and alleged misuse of panchayat

Howevr, Ms Pranali refuted the charges against her and asked the
members to show even a single instance where panchayat funds were misused. She
also said that after she became the sarpanch, no work was taken up due to
bickering amongst the members and consequently the question of misuse of funds
did not arise.

Sources say that Mr Vipul is tipped to be the next sarpanch.


Churchill firm on Cong ticket for daughter


MARGAO, SEPT 5 — Unfazed by the opposition from within the
Save Goa Front against his move to field his lawyer daughter on Congress
ticket, a determined SGF supremo Churchill Alemao said he would not compromise
his decision to field Valanka on Congress ticket for the forthcoming Mormugao

“The Congress has given me a promise to field my daughter on their banner.
If the Congress stick to their promise, Valanka would definitely contest on
Congress ticket,” Alemao told Herald, while on his way to Vailankani for the
annual feast.

Asked to react to strong opposition against his plan by a section of SGF
members, Alemao said “I suspect a plan by two or three members to scuttle my
move to field my lawyer daughter.” But, he reminded all and sundry that the
people were with him and any dissent shown by any member would not have any
effect on his plan.

“Those within the SGF who are opposed to Valanka contesting on the Congress
want a split the vote in order to benefit the BJP. I will never allow that
thing to happen,” he asserted. “These opponents want Valanka to contest on the
SGF to ensure a split in the votes to favour the BJP,” Alemao added.

Alemao, however, said the Congress had only promised him to field Valanka
for the bye-polls as part of the deal with Congress when the Digambar Kamat
government was bailed out during the fortnight long political crisis.

He reminded that the Mormugao Lok Sabha seat was represented by him before
he quit in May last to enter State politics.

Meanwhile, a pro-Alemao SGF supporter has said that Churchill has quit the Lok
Sabha seat because he had plans to field his lawyer daughter in the bye-polls.
“We fail to understand why some of the members are making a noise on the
matter,” he added.

Hospicio to see a turnaround soon: Rane


MARGAO, SEPT 5 — Health Minister, Vishwajeet Rane has said
Hospicio would soon see a turnaround with the government planning to upgrade
casualty at a cost of Rs 35 lakh, and sanction the manpower requirements by
December 31 this year.

He informed the government has hiked the budget to Rs 35 per patient per day,
which is expected to give the patients a good and hygienic food.

“I can tell when the turnaround at Hospicio would come about. Till the manpower
requirements are met by December 31 and the government sanction Rs 35 lakh for
upgradation of casualty, besides a trauma unit, I would ensure that patients
are looked after and the hospital maintained properly”, he told newsmen during
his surprise visit to Hospicio on late Wednesday evening. 

“I have tendered oxygen supply for Hospicio hospital”, he added.

Rane said the criteria of tendering supply of food for patients is being
changed so that patients get better food, including fish, adding the decision
to outsource housekeeping would benefit Hospicio too as private contractors
would look after cleanliness and hygiene in the hospital.

“Chief Minister, Digambar Kamat has sanctioned staff for Hospicio and other
hospitals. He has also cleared other files as well”, he added.

Rane said the people need not worry about the government plan to go for Public
Private partnership to bring expertise and quality medical care for the common

 “The Common man will get the medical benefits without paying much. The
government would for the best and successful PPP model to suit the common man.
The model will be kept open for public scrutiny”, he assured.

Rane said bureaucrats need not tell the government which model the government
should adopt and expressed his displeasure over delays in taking decision by
the officials even after the Minister’s clearance.

The Minister said he has asked for Rs two crore from the Contingency Fund to
upgrade the casualty at GMC.

New ambulance idle for want of diesel


MARGAO, SEPT 5 — Just imagine a situation where a
state-of-the-art Ambulance is lying idle for want of diesel.

Indeed, a brand new ambulance procured by the government is lying idle outside
Hospicio hospital for want diesel.

This was disclosed by none other than the Health Minister, Vishwajit Rane
during his visit to Hospicio hospital and blamed the General Administration
Department (GAD) for the situation.

“How can I operate the ambulance if the GAD is not making provision for the
diesel requirements”, he asked. When asked whether the Chief Minister, Digambar
Kamat is aware of the situation, he said “it’s not the question of the CM, but
the the process should change”.

Meanwhile, Rane said the health department would deploy two well-equipped
mobile vans, one in Sattari-Pernem and the other at Quepem-Canacona to attend
to the medical needs of the patients. “These vans would start operating soon”,
he added.

When newsmen drew his attention on the scan facility at the GMC, Rane said “I
am aware of what is happening. For want of time, we could not devote attention
to all these areas”.


Labourer feared drowned 


MAPUSA, SEPT 5 - A Bihari labourer was feared drowned
while seven others managed to swim to safety when a boat carrying sand capsized
in the Chapora river near Pirna on Wednesday afternoon.

According to Mapusa police, the incident took place when the ill-fated boat
loaded with sand extracted from the river was returning to the riverbank. The
vessel was caught in a whirlwind and water entered into the boat. 

The boat capsized and seven labourers managed to swim to safety, while Harinder
Yadav (25), a labourer employed at a sand extraction unit at Colvale, went

Efforts went on till late evening to locate him.


Illegal structures demolished in Ponda


PONDA, SEPT 5 - Ponda Municipal Council (PMC) on Wednesday
demolished some illegal structures in public places and also evicted vendors
occupying the footpaths and open spaces, who were found obstructing pedestrians
in the city.

PMC authorities demolished a compound wall at Sadar-Kaziwada, constructed by a
shopkeeper barely two days ago to prevent parking of vehicles. The PMC had
earlier asked the shopkeeper to remove the wall, but he had failed.


Dismissed cop had tainted record


PANJIM, SEPT 5 - Constable Krishna Dessai, who allegedly
shot Xelvona panch Marianho Mascarenhas, was not without any blemish, even as
he has been dismissed from service by the Goa Police.

Known for his wild ways, on January 13, 2002, the constable was involved in a
brawl at Goa Reserve Police, Altinho, here, with three others. He was suspended
for the ugly incident in which a canteen staffer at GRP was mercilessly bashed
up by the four.     

After the staffer, Gurudas Bhomi Gaonkar, filed a complaint an offence was
registered under Section 452, 324, 332 read with 34 of IPC and Section 3 of
Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act at the Panjim Town Police Station. 
Krishna was arrested and later suspended.  

The controversial constable is presently in the custody of Curchorem police for
seven days for allegedly shooting Mascarenhas on February 16, 2006, an incident
that had its undercurrents in the bustling ore business in

Mascarenhas, who was shot at close range by the cop, was grievously injured,
but luckily survived to tell the tale.  

The shooting of Mascarenhas, carried out by Krishna at the behest of prime
accused in the Sandeep Mapari murder Rajesh Dessai, was one among the three
incidents the constable was involved. 

Curchorem Correspondent Adds: Meanwhile, Quepem DySP Jaiprakash Nagwenkar on
Tuesday raided a bar owned by Satyawan at Uguem-Sanguem, who is wanted in
connection with the Mascarenhas shooting incident. 

Police believe that Satyawan had allegedly accompanied constable Krishna on a 
motorcycle on the day of the shooting.

The raid could not yield anything and Satyawan, a resident of Xelvona, still
continues to be at large.

Police have recovered the black helmet allegedly used by Krishna
during the shooting incident and is on the lookout for the black jacket used by
him that night.  Police is also yet to trace the country-made pistol,
which was used in the shooting.

Meanwhile, the prime suspects — Rajesh Dessai, Balesh Dessai, Vinay Dessai,
Krishna Dessai and Shekhar Dessai — were on Wednesday brought to the Curchorem
police station from Vasco, for investigation.


Ganeshutsov mandals told to engage private security


PANJIM, SEPT 5 – The government will request Sarvajanik
Ganeshutsov Mandals to engage private security for the forthcoming Ganesh
festival in the backdrop of the terror attacks in Hyderabad.

Chief Minister Digambar Kamat said that this decision was taken at a meeting
held on Wednesday evening  by Home Minister Ravi Naik and him with the
police top brass – DGP, DIGs and others – on taking preventive measures during
the festive season later this month.

Based on the communiqué the government has received from the Home Ministry in
the backdrop of  serial bomb blasts in Hyderabad
last month, the Goa government has decided to
tighten its belt on the security front.

Kamat said that  security would be beefed up during  Ganesh
Chaaturti. Sarvajanik Ganeshutsov Mandal – community Ganesh festival committees
– would be requested to engage their own security as a preventive measure,
Kamat said.

The Home Ministry is learnt to have cautioned coastal states to remain alert in
view of renewed terror activities in some parts of the country.


Mobile van linesmen assured mobile phones


MARGAO, SEPT 5 — The much-hyped mobile electricity van —
deployed in the villages — has turned nightmarish for the power consumers as
well as the department.

For, the operation of these mobile vans, which worked wonders in the four major
cities, has not helped much to reach out to consumers in times of emergencies.

The reason: Outsourcing of these mobile vans has run into trouble with the
contractor unable to even pay the salaries of the drivers employed on the van
or provide fuel to the vehicles.

Secondly, though the power department linesman have been provided with the
mobile vans, their mobility is literally restricted for want of mobile phones
to attend urgent call.

The result being there’s no co-ordination between the linesmen on the field
with the electricity office, thus delaying in attending to the complaints.

When newsmen drew attention of the Power Minister to the problems faced by
consumers vis-a-vis the mobile vans, Alexio Sequeira was quick to admit the
lacuna being faced by the mobiles.

“Recently, the drivers employed by the contractor on these vans complained to
me about non-payment of salary. There were also complaints on fuel”, he said,
adding that he has called the contractor for discussions.

The Power Minister has, however, promised to provide mobile cell phones to the
linesman attached to these mobile vans to increase their efficiency and


Panjim, Margao stations allotted 10 PSIs each


PANJIM, SEPT 5 - Considered as heavy, the Panjim and
Margao police stations have been allotted 10 PSIs each from the 66 new PSIs who
landed in Goa after their months long training in Nashik, Maharashtra.

Superintendent of Police (Headquarters) Arvind Gawas said these two police
stations have been sanctioned because the workload here is more. These PSIs will
definitely take off the load from the present officers, he added.

Apart from the 20 PSIs for Margao and Panjim, Gawas said Mapusa has been
allotted six, Ponda six and Vasco five, while the remaining of them will be
stationed at other police stations across the State. Pillion dies (margao hr):
A 53-year old woman pillion rider Maria Annie Pereira, a resident of
Caramorod-Chinchinim died in a road accident on the damaged stretch of the
NH-17 at Sirlim on Wednesday morning.

Maria was pillion riding on a two-wheeler when a Mini bus GA 02 T 4702,
proceeding from Chinchinim to Margao, dashed against from behind. The deceased
fell on the road and died.

Police have arrested the bus driver Mustaq Gaffor for rash and negligent

Further investigations are on.


Alex a noted photographer

PANJIM, SEPT 5 -- Alex Fernandes is a
professional photographer for the last 20 years. In October 2005 Alex
photographed 37 prominent ‘Tiatriste’ in Goa
and Mumbai.  This was followed by a portrait series on ‘Goan Musicians’ and
‘Goan Artist’.

Fernandes worked for the Kodak distributor in the Middle
 East where he set up and managed professional portrait studio.

 Alex  also served on the faculty for portrait photography and
lighting workshops for Kodak. Alex Fernandes currently runs ‘Portrait Atelier’,
that provides  professional  studio photography  services in Goa. —HND


Desai PTA chief of Cuncolim school

PANJIM, SEPT 5 --  Shivaji Babu Desai,
Asst Director of Industries, Trade and Commerce was elected President of the
PTA of United High School Cuncolim, Salcete, Goa. In the meeting of Parents
Teachers Association new committee for the year 2007-2008 was elected. 

Dr Suraj Kanekar was the chief guest. Dr Prakash Kurade Chairman of the
Managing Committee distributed 105 uniforms to the students donated by Urban
Development Minister, Joaquim Alemao. Earlier Shri Ramesh Uttam Desai welcomed
and introduced Headmaster Oscar Gracias to the guests. Madhukar Desai Proposed
vote of thanks. 

Goranti Viera compered the function.—HND

CM resumes weekly interactions with common man


MARGAO, SEPT 5 — Chief Minister, Digambar Kamat finally
resumed his weekly interactions with the aam aadmi in the district Collectorate
here, recently, Power Minister, Alexio Sequeira likely to follow Kamat’s
footsteps from Wednesday.

And, if the Chief Minister is to be believed, the Power Minister will make his
presence felt in the Minister’s Chamber of the district Collectorate atleast
once a fortnight to attend to public grievances.

Sequeira said he would sit in the Minister’s chamber at 3 pm on Wednesday and
will reguarly hear public grievances atleast once a fortnight.

Whether other Ministers from Salcete taluka would emulate the Chief Minister or
the Power Minister remains to be seen, since most of them prefer to function
from their place of residence.

For instance, Tourism Minister Mickky Pacheco or for that matter Urban
Development Minister, Joaquim Alemao or Minister for Water Resources, Filipe
Neri Rodrigues prefer to function from Betalbatim, Varca and Sirlim

This has forced the citizens of Salcete and down South to meet these Ministers
at the place of their residence instead of a centrally-located place such as
the district Collectorate, which has the provision for a Minister’s chamber to
facilitate Ministers to attend to public grievances.

Quepem civic chairperson backs common cadre

PANJIM, SEPT 5 – Quepem Municipal Council
has decided to back State government’s move to implement common cadre for all
the 13 municipal councils. 

Although and move was met with wide resentment with the All Goa Municipal Union
calling for a one-day token strike on Sept 13, the Quepem Municipal Council in
a meeting held over the month-end decided to go with the government decision.

Quepem Municipal Chairperson Tereza Travasso, in a letter issued to
Chairpersons and councilors of Curchorem, Cuncolim, Sanguem and Canacona, has
called for a meeting on Sept 8 at Quepem Municipal Council office, at 10.30


Sao Jose de Areal hillock ravaged, will denudation
now stop?


MARGAO, SEPT 5 — Who’s responsible for the wanton
destruction of the Sao Jose de Areal hillock by basalt quarry operators? And,
whether the denudation will now stop after the police registered a case against
an operator during a joint inspection on Tuesday?

These questions has come to the fore as the picturesque stands ravaged due to
mining activity even as the police claimed to have attached two tractors and
arrested a driver.

While the attachment of the two tractors is a welcome action by the police, why
the authorities turned a blind eye to the destruction all these years is a
question concerned authorities need to answer.

Says Town Planner, Bykad: “Since my office has now lodged a formal complaint
with the police, it’s the responsibility of the men-in-uniform to prevent the
illegal activity in the future”.

Incidentally, Bykad came in for sharp criticism from the police on late Tuesday
evening over the question of lodging a complaint of hill cutting witnessed at
Sao Jose de Areal. “How could I lodge a complaint after office hours. There
would have been on outward number on the correspondence”, Bykad said, adding
that the police does not need a formal complaint from him if they have found
the tractors operating illegally.

Incidentally, Bykad said his office has not given any permission for hill
cutting at Sao Jose de Areal and has no knowledge whether permission has been
obtained from the Chief Town Planner or the Mines department.

“No particular department can be blamed for the destruction of the hillock, but
the fact remains that blasting and quarrying went on for years without any
action”, Bykad admitted.

Locals have been strongly objecting to the blasting operations on grounds the
activity has not only resulted in environmental degradation, but has caused
damage to residential houses in the immemdiate neighbouhood.

“We hope atleast now, the authorities will stop further destruction of the
hillock by initiating action against the guilty”, remarked Sao Jose de Areal
Sarpanch Martha Cardozo.


Sodium vapour lamps to be replaced


MARGAO, SEPT 5 - Sodium vapour lamps will finally make way
for Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) on the street poles across the state soon.

For, the new Power Minister, Alexio Sequeria has found the CFLs more viable
than the old sodium lamps in all aspects - savings on power, money and repairs.

In an informal chat with newsmen, Sequeira said the CFLs - popularly known as
power savers - would be tried on the electric poles as an alternative to the
sodium lamps.

Outlining the many advantages of CFLs, he said a CFL lamp cost around Rs 800 -
all inclusive - as compared to a sodum lamp, which cost over a thousand rupees,
with additional cost on the capacitor, ignitor etc.

Moreover, he said the CFL lamp consumes less energy compared to sodium vapour
lamps, adding the state could save energy too during peak hours when there’s
already a power shortage.


Kamat’s ‘inquiry’ sets PDA chairman into motion


MARGAO, SEPT 5 — A day after Chief Minister Digambar Kamat inquired with the
SGPDA on delays in clearance of files, PDA Chairman Shyam Sattardekar on
Wednesday has set in motion the process to streamline the functioning of the
Planning body from the public view point.

Taking cognisance of news reports about an aam aadmi complaining to the Chief
Minister about delays in the PDA, Sattardekar personally took stock of the
situation by seeking to know whether any official or staff member were involved
in demanding bribe from the people.

Sources said the PDA Chairman personally asked the party which staff member had
demanded money for issuance of certificate.

To make the PDA functioning more transparent, Sattardekar has set in place a
system wherein certain certificates and files are approved within a set
time-frame if all the requirements are complied with.

Tuesday saw the Chief Minister calling up the PDA Member Secretary to answer a
complaint from a party that his file has not been cleared by the planning body
for a long time.

Sources said the PDA Chairman was pre-occupied for quite some time and could
not frequently make it to the PDA in the recent past.


Case registered under cyber crime


PANJIM, SEPT 5 - Crime Branch has registered a case
against unknown accused under Section 43, 66 of Information Technology Act and
Section 420, 511 of IPC.

The case was registered after Yolanda de Souza, resident of Art Chamber,
Gaurawado, Calangute, complained that on August 27 the unknown accused hacked
into the e-mail account of their firm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

She further stated that after hacking the accused sent e-mail messages through
the account to several people in her husband’s name asking for financial help
of 3,500 US dollars. 

The accused asked the donors to send the money to Western Union Money Transfer
in the name of one Abdullani Omar of Victoria Island, Lagos State, Nigeria,
she said.

DySP Crime Branch Mahesh Gaonkar said Yolanda discovered that the account had
been hacked after some friends informed her they had received mail from her
husband asking for financial help from Nigeria.


PM’s scholarship scheme


PANJIM, SEPT 5 — Applications are invited by the
Secretary, Kendriya  Sainik Board, New Delhi from the wards/widows of
Ex-Servicemen pursuing professional degree programmes in Medical, Dental,
Veterinary, Engineering, MCA, MBA and other professional courses recognized by
the concerned government regulatory bodies such as MCI, AICTE, UGC etc. 

The scheme will be applicable only to those who have joined the professional
courses in the academic year 2007-08. The amount of scholarship is Rs 12507 per
month for boys and Rs 15007- per month for girls.

 The application cum brochure form can be downloaded from the website
http\\www.dgrindia.com. After opening the website, click at sub title Kendriya
Sainik Board and open column number 27. 

The application/brochure would be displayed. 

This form is to be downloaded, filled in own handwriting and forwarded to
Kendriya Sainik Board, West Block-IV, RK Puram, New Delhi alongwith a demand
draft of Rs 307 (Rupees thirty only) or obtain directly form Kendriya Sainik
Board, RK Puram, New Delhi-110066 by sending a demand draft of Rs 307 drawn in
favour of Secretary, Kendriya Sainik Board payable at Delhi. Last date of
receipt of application is October 31, 2007.

For further details contact Secretary, Department of Sainik Welfare, 
Collectorate Building,
Panjim, Goa.


Fatorda MLA urges PWD for better roads


MARGAO, SEPT 5 — Fatorda MLA Damu Naik has urged the PWD
department to improve the pathetic condition of roads in his constituency
before the ensuing Ganesh Chathurti festival.

Naik told Executive Engineer, PWD that many a road in Fatorda constituency
has deteriorated, putting motorists and pedestrians to great hardships. “The
condition of roads have worsened due to laying of sewage pipeline”, he said.

He made a particular mention of roads such as Goa Bottling, Arlem junction
to Dhulapkar junction via Ambhaji and the road opposite to BM servicing, Borda,
Eastern bypass road oppo Gomes petrol pump to Four statue circle and the road
from Old Chowgule junction to the four-road junction via Opp to Bernard Souza’s
house, Marlem, Borda main road, Fatorda, Gauliwada and various areas of the

Rotary club scholarships distributed


PANJIM, SEPT 5 — Scholarships of Rotary club of Panjim,
totalling Rs 3.86 lacs were distributed this year to 99 students including 56
students from the old batch at the rate of Rs 4,OOO each through the
contribution of Rotarians, well-wishers and sponsor’s.

 Shree AAahalaxmi Saunthan Charities, Panmji sponsored 9 students
whereas Andhra Sangham, Goa sponsored 11
students through this scheme. This year, financial assistance is given till

Financial Scholarships, to the students were distributed at the hands of
Shripad Y Naik, Member of Parliament, North-Goa, recently, at Hotel Manoshanti,
Panjim in presence of Assistant Governor of Rotary Dist-3170 Rtn. Manoj Caculo,
and large number of Rotarians and well-wishers.

Rtn Caculo in his speech congratulated the students who were received
financial scholarships and asked them to treat this money as investments of
Rotary and not loan or favours. 

He also requested them to try and pay back the amount they have received by
sponsoring a deserving student in completing his/her education in years to come
after each one is well settled in life.

Shripad Naik, in his speech complimented the Rotary Club of Panjim for
initiating a deserving project to the Students of Goa who will be able to
complete their education and take up a good job. He also highlighted the
importance of education in today’s world and said that one can face challenges
in life only if he or she is educated. He narrated the hardship he has gone in
his life, to complete his graduation.

Mr Naik complemented the Rotarians of the Club for continuing with this
project for so many years, which has enabled more than 300 deserving students to
complete their graduation and Rotary Club of Panjim spending more than Rs 26.50
lakh till date on the project.

Rotary President Dr Hirendra Kumar welcomed the gathering; Secretary Col
Khurana introduced the chief guest, while Rtn Dinesh Kamat proposed the Vote of
Thanks. Bhavana S Raikar compared the function.

The project was co-ordinated and handled by Scholarship Chairman Rtn Gaurish
M Dhond, who has been at the forefront of this project for the past 4 years.

Shantaram informed of CRZ notification not being


PANJIM, SEPT 5 — Union Minister of State in the Ministry of Environment and
Forest Namo Narain Meena informed Shantaram Naik MP in the Rajya Sabha, in a
written reply, that government has not issued any new Coastal Zone Management
(CZM) Notification replacing Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification, 1991.

In reply to another question Mr Meena informed Mr Naik that in compliance to
the directions of the Hon’ble High Court of Bombay at Panjim in Writ Petition
No 422 of 1998 and No 99 of 1999, the Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority
(GCZMA) has initiated house to house field validation to ascertain the
violation in the Coastal Regulation Zone II and III areas of Goa.

Mr Meena further informed Mr Naik that the survey has not been completed and
no report has been filed, and therefore the question of taking any action in
the matter does not arise.

Consumer Protection Act: Meanwhile, In the reply to another question, Union
Minister for Agriculture Sharad Pawar informed Mr Naik that there is a proposal
before government which seeks to further amend the provisions of the Consumer
Protection Act, 1986, which would widen the scope of various provisions of the
Act to make them more effective; to facilitate quicker disposal of complaints;
to enhance the capability of the redressal  fora; to strengthen or
clarifying the powers of the redressal fora; to streamline the procedures; and
to bring clarity in certain provisions.

However, Mr Pawar informed Mr Naik that the government does not propose to
constitute forums below the level of districts.


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