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If the post below is yet another attempt to rewrite
the history of the Inquisition as it pertains to
Galileo then it would be worthwhile to read the text
of Galileo's indictment in 1633. 

Here are excerpts from the "Sentence of the Tribunal
of the Supreme Inquisition against Galileo Galilei,
given the 22nd day of June of the year 1633", taken
from the Modern History Source Book of Fordham
University (Please see

"It being the case that thou, Galileo, son of the late
Vincenzio Galilei, a Florentine, now aged 70, wast
denounced in this Holy Office in 1615:

"That thou heldest as true the false doctrine taught
by many, that the Sun was the centre of the universe
and immoveable, and that the Earth moved, and had also
a diurnal motion: That on this same matter thou didst
hold a correspondence with certain German

"That the Sun is the centre of the universe and doth
not move from his place is a proposition absurd and
false in philosophy, and formerly heretical; being
expressly contrary to Holy Writ: That the Earth is not
the centre of the universe nor immoveable, but that it
moves, even with a diurnal motion, is likewise a
proposition absurd and false in philosophy, and
considered in theology ad minus erroneous in

"We order that by a public edict the book of DIALOGUES
OF GALILEO GALILEI be prohibited, and We condemn thee
to the prison of this Holy Office during Our will and
pleasure; and as a salutary penance We enjoin on thee
that for the space of three years thou shalt recite
once a week the Seven Penitential Psalms, reserving to
Ourselves the faculty of moderating, changing, or
taking from, all other or part of the above-mentioned
pains and penalties."

It should be clear from the above that Galileo was
indicted because of his advocacy of the heliocentric
view and his rejection of the stationary earth thesis,
both of which were contrary to "Holy Scriptures".



--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Relaxing ways are watching National Geographic,
> Nature and other educational TV channels.  Recently
> there was a program entitled "Beyond the Big Bang".
> I encourage those who come across this program to
> watch it.  There are a few points that Goanetters
> may find of interest, in light of prior discussions
> on this web site.  
> In reviewing the progressive understanding of the
> planetary system, the narrator states, Galileo's
> problem with the church was not his view of the sun
> being center of our planetary system.  This
> (heliocentric system) was first presented (prior to
> Galileo), by many other astronomers, the most famous
> of which were Polish Nicolaus Copernicus and German
> Johannes Kepler.  In fact, one Vatican cardinal told
> Galileo Galilei and the other cardinals, "The Bible
> tells us how to go to heaven. Not how the heaven
> goes."  Galileo's fall-out with the church,
> according to the narrator, was Galileo's
> interpretation of the Bible to meet his science,
> rather than sticking to his observational work, like
> his other renowned predecessors and contemporaries
> working on the same concepts of the universe.  If
> Galileo lived in Northern Europe instead of Venice
> and later Florence, his fate likely may have been
> different. 

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