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 TRI Continental Film Festival - Dona Paula, Goa, Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2007

                           For public viewing
Registration at The International Centre Goa Ph: +91 (832) 2452805 to 10

              Online Media Partner:  http://www.GOANET.org
And that was (continues to be?) another typical Goanet thread of our days.
Days when Goans cannot discuss any decent (or indecent) topic
without resorting to vituperation, vilification and victimization.
When is it that we last saw a civilized, dignified discussion in this forum?

Of course, opinions as many as there are heads there will always be.
Especially in 'juicy' topics like the present one.
But let the heads remain in their proper place
and not try to 'outhead' some head else, heading for a headless bunch.
To present one's point of view without torpedoing other viewpoints appears
to be a forgotten art.
Or may be we must snobbishly call ours a 'contemporary' art of discussing.
But then, we land into the art of the absurd
 -- which actually sounds more like home for the typical contemporary Goanet
Or is it that we cannot discuss matters without creating foul breath around?

May be we have ceased to think of  a discussion as a conversation
and we have convinced ourselves that we must necessarily raise it (or debase
it) to a catchpenny polemic.
Polemic? Even the dictionary defines it as the "art" of controversial
Yes, we do get some rare glimpses of that fast-fading art in our discussion
but the overall scene is one of art-less, tasteless and sometimes
meaningless warfare,
wherein the only target seems to be, yes, to outhead another --- the tinhorn
When shall we learn to appreciate and respect an opinion that is not ours
... while continuing to hold on to our own?
In simpler terms, to agree to disagree?


P.S. And if anyone's regard for me (Fr. Loiola, for those who do not know)
has gone down considerably because I am holding a view that,
according to some other Goanetter, belongs to the Pope and to the Catholic
I do not hold it against him ... nor me.  JLP.
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