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Issues and Ideas?
Do you have any ideas, all you talk about is RSS which is someone
elses idea, nothing to do with Goanet.
All you do is nitpick, you have not answered the issue under question.
Whether she is practicing or not, the question is, are you a hate monger.
The below mail proves that you are - Period.
Dear Selma:"I think Goanet is a forum to discuss issues andideas."it
is also a place to accuse others of using false idswhile brazenly
using "nomme de plumes" of your own..it is also a place where one can
play the savior ofthe church as a red blooded shastikarn one day,
callJesus Christ a rabble rouser and the vatican a mafiaorganization
the other, and then become non practisingchristian the next

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