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Dear netters,

At the very outset, I thank you all for your warm greetings and good wishes on 
my 60th birthday.

After spending 35 years in the Gulf region (8 years in Bahrain and 27 in Saudi 
Arabia), it’s time for me to bid adieu to the place.  Having joined the Senior 
Citizens’ Club on October 4, 2007, I am retiring from the job and leaving the 
KSA for good at the end of this month, and proceeding to settle down in my 
beloved native place – Anjuna, Bardez, Goa.

I joined Goanet four years ago and I must say it was a thrilling experience; I 
enjoyed it thoroughly - I came, I saw and I definitely learned a lot.  I shared 
my life experiences with fellow Goans through my writings, which eventually 
were captured into a book – “Domnic’s Goa – A nostalgic romp through a bygone 
era”.  It was your love and confidence that made it happen.  

I take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to my readers and 
well-wishers who have been my constant support and without whom the book would 
be meaningless.  I hope the sale of my book picks up so I can look forward to 
publish a sequel of more reminiscences – a trilogy!

I am grateful to Goanet, which served me as a platform from which I e-published 
my thoughts - be they in English or Konkani.  I would like to express my 
sincere thanks to Herman Carneiro and the Admin team.  My special thanks go to 
Bosco D’Mello who was always there for me when I needed him to assist and guide 
me through.  

Since October 2004, my writings appeared on the Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter 
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gulf-goans and http://www.goa-worldcom) which is 
run by Goa-World.  I thank Gaspar Almeida for his continued support and for 
decorating my articles with pictures. 

Before I conclude, I humbly request that we support each other and work as one 
Goan community and not partisan groups - united we stand; divided we fall.  Let 
our writings be Goa-centered/related and let our discussion/participation be 
value-based rather than flippant.  Let us learn to respect each other.  
Remember, we cannot command respect – we have to earn it.  Let us think twice 
before we hit the keyboard and create a furor on the net.  

We, as people, have much to be proud of, in our rich cultural heritage which we 
must preserve.  The Internet is a good tool which connects people throughout 
the globe.  Let us use this tool to spread our culture to the world and not to 
destroy each other.  Likewise, let us utilize the forum to promote our beloved 
mother tongue – the Konkani language.

I shall be shuttling between Goa and Karnataka and will be available at the 
following two addresses:

GOA-403 509
Tel: 0091-832-2273922
Mobile: 9448261599 (Temporary)

UDUPI-576 103
Tel: 820-2521408
Mobile:  9448261599 (Temporary)

You are most welcome at both places!  

Dev borem korum.  
(Thank you).


Domnic Fernandes: Author of ‘Domnic’s Goa – A nostalgic romp through a bygone 
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
Tel: (966 3) 877-2744; Home: (966 3) 876-2676; Mobile: (966 5) 0281-9101 
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