* G * O * A * N * E * T **** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
                             GARCA BRANCA
                        VACATION ACCOMMODATION
                         LOUTULIM, SOUTH GOA.
 For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

    Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
Not sure there is a connection or any link between Cornel & UK immigration and 
Goa's internal migration.
  The UK opened its border to Eastern Europe in 2004 and we now have a tsunami 
or migrants who arrived from Poland, Latvia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, 
Slovakia, in fact just recently we opened up to Romania & Bulgaria too. That is 
25 different countries are now part of the EU, making every one of their 
citizens allowed to come to the UK, as a right of abode, and to work, or not as 
the case may be.
  I am an employer and I can tell you that we would rather hire Polish people 
(for the same hourly rate we pay UK citizens) because they have a work ethic 
........... its very difficult for us to find this in the native population 
nowadays, at least in the service industry.
  I am not speaking of professional people, only those who are in catering, 
barwork, cleaning, kitchen helpers and cooks.
  When you have very little in your life, and you get chance to make a better 
life for yourself, you wil work hard, you will do well in the end.  The Polish, 
the Latvians, the Czechs, Slovakians and Slovians we have employed have each 
and every one of them worked better, have better manners & been honest MORE 
than the English we have also hired.
  We employed 17 people in the first 2 years we took over a business in 
Berkshire, each and every one of them was dismissed for one reason or another, 
usually for NOT turning up for work (with excuses such as a relative died, 
usually a grandmother which meant they wanted the day off, but when the 
grandmother dies twice in a year, this is a bit suspicious, then they have a 
visit to the doctor which means they want a week off, nothing wrong with them 
but the doctor willingly gives them a certificate so they paid Sickness 
Benefit, or they steal (majority of our 17 employers stole in one way or 
another, giving stock away to friends and relatives when they visit or take it 
themselves, or help themselves to cash and so on).
  I have not needed to hire more than 8 people this year, 4 of whom left to 
return to Poland, we still have 4 Polish working for us, and one English person 
(slightly disabled but very difficult to get along with, but we keep him 
because he has proved to be honest & does his best).
  Yes UK has opened its borders & as an employer I am eternally grateful that I 
can sustain my business with a good workforce.  Sure there will be some issues 
to resolve, such as schooling, hospitals, dentists, housing and other social 
problems but the alternative would have been much much worse.
  Goa has its own problems not dissimilar to the UK, but in different areas, 
but really its the authorities that ought to make a move against this tide of 
undesireables entering.  Having said that, it was inevitable this would happen, 
eventually.  I am just surprised it took so long.  But I am concerned just the 
same as anyone that Goa will lose all its former character, but there may be 
some benefits if the professionals come from Mumbai rather than the very poor 
from other States.
  Having said this, doesnt everyone have the right to live where they can make 
a better life for themselves? But I am tackling Poles & Hungarians, its totally 
different to Goans tackling the disruption to their lives, both at work, at 
home and at play.
  Anyone have a solution (constructive ones please, not violence & tossing 
people in the rivers etc).
  John Monteiro
  Berkshire, England

Bernado Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
* G * O * A * N * E * T **** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
For R&R; modern/clean amenities; serene, healthy and wholesome location

Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
I wonder what would happen to the likes of Cornel if the UK opened its borders. 
Goa after the invasion faces an unprecedented situation ie.: utter destruction. 
Its local population is almost over run but the ghanti migration. Thanks to 
india for the 'liberation' of Goa.


Firstly, I have always found the word Ghantis (and their treatment) highly 
objectionable in Goa.

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