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JOHN MONTEIRO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:    I am not sure I can quite accept 
what you said (see below) about temples / mosques as putting a septic tank in a 
  We are all sure you would have found a better way of putting it.  I dont 
think associating another person's religion / faith or place of worship on the 
same terms as an effluent storage tank is quite what I had expected from you.  
You have said many splendid things in the recent past & held your own very well 
in some adverse comments albeit constructively & acceptable.
  Its possible of course that I may have read what you have said in the wrong 
way, you did not mean to say it quite the way it came out, but if you did, you 
have just insulted me & many others who would not compare your religion or 
place of worship to that of a pig's a*se or any other derogatory term as used 
by you here.
  Its possible also that you meant Catholics in general or the occupants of 
Vatican City would consider having another religious place of worship next to 
St Peter's (that is not Roman Catholic) as an unsuitable place to combine more 
than one religion, not that they would consider it unhygenic or compare the way 
you did.
  Ok, I can see what you may have meant but I would rather prefer it if you 
were less dramatic when associating another's faith or place of workship to 
human or animal faeces ........... 
  John Monteiro
  Berkshire, England
On 06/10/2007, Dominic Fernandes wrote:

Allowing a temple / mosque within the vatican city will be polluting its ethos 
and purpose . Its like allowing a septic tank within a surgery room.
Its the same as allowing a temple / mosque within a Church

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