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Dear Chinmay,

I was referring to possible facts in Jason’s article,
not his rhetoric. Here are some of his quotes about
the exhibition that I find disturbing:

“I say ‘educate’ the Hindu, since every display of
violence was followed by a caption addressed to the
viewer indicating that if they were Hindu, then these
visuals should make their blood boil, and tomorrow
this violence could possibly be visited on them. If
they were not moved, they were not fit to be - and
hence not - Hindu.”

“Worse, this is not just an exhibition; there was also
a screening of inflammatory documentaries, followed by
similar discussion sessions which were nothing short
of unnerving.”

“Walking through the exhibition, the organizing women
clamoring quite literally for the blood of local
Muslims, was extremely unnerving.”

I am inclined to believe what Jason is saying above
because I have seen the online version of this
exhibition presented by the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti
on their website. Please see the following link:


Reading what is written on the rest of that website
made my stomach churn with disgust. What is the
purpose of showing those gory pictures? Why do they
want to defame Mahatma Gandhi?

These people clearly are the worst type of religious
chauvinists. They claim that Hinduism is better than
other religions, and that Hindus who believe in the
equality of all religions are traitors. Please read
the following article that they have posted to
highlight this point:


The important question that I had posed in my last
post with regard to this samiti remains unanswered.

Whom does the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti want to awaken,
and for what purpose? 

What kind of constructive action do they want people
to take after seeing the images of death and
destruction in their exhibition?



Chinmay Bhandari wrote:         
>Dear Santosh :
>Let me highlight a few parts of the article by Jason
>with my comments below,to answer your first question.
>he says " What is surprising is that this very
>organizing of Hindus against Muslims (and by logical
>conclusion against the Catholics in Goa) is that it
>taking place in the premises of the Kala Academy. Why
>the premier cultural institution of a secular state
>allowing violent activities on its premises is a
>question that the authorities of the Kala Academy
>immediately answer"

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