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B wrote: I am for free speech, for every body. I do not think Gadgil Sabnis or 
jason is qualified to decide what is hate speech and what is good for the rest 
of us. 
  The B stings again...
  He implies that a qualification is required to be able to declare what is 
hate speech... 
  C'mon, B use your own stated logic NOW to declare what is your own 
qualification to judge others?
  You are pompous, patronising and prejudiced in most of your posts.
  Your constant attaching of labels to others is on record.
  Your proof behind the accussations made against Ram Puniyani and Pravin 
Togadia is still awaited.
  Or is it that you are allergic to the names of Ram and Pravin? :-)
  kya B, tu bhi?
  Anjali Patel wrote: Your stand against the FACT is a state of Denial
  Dear Anjali
  in fact, FACT is a state of Denial...
  - it denies that Kashmiri Pundits have been like a political football by all 
parties and organisations.
  - it denies that certain Hindu organisations like the Hindu Jagruti Samiti 
are only exploiting the issue to fill their coffers.
  - it denies that the very man who considers Dalits to be inhumans, is the 
brain behind the exhibition
  - it denies that armed squads of Hindus in Goa are obviously not going to 
take on the real culprits who committed atrocities against the Kashmiri Pundits
  - it denies that hatred is being instigated against NOT the corrupt or the 
crooked, but against weak, innocent persons who happen to share their faith 
with some devious terrorists (how can we condemn every Chinmay as a prejudiced 
person, my nephew Chinmay is a very open minded guy)
  - it denies that each of us may be sharing our faith with terrorists, but we 
do not share their inhuman thinking 
  - it denies that in the 1980s a similar inhuman hounding was done of the 
Sikhs to avenge crackpots like Bhindranwale who were anyway the creation of 
some politicians who shared their faith with Hindus (but the majority of the 
Hindus are not communal, however their silence needs to break into voices of 
inherrent humanism)
  - it denies the Indian Constitution and secular traditions of my countrymen.
  Surely, you cannot deny the above...
  Get it right, the Kashmir Pundits require our love, help and support.
  Not selfish agendas that will exploit their human tragedy and refuse to solve 
the main problem of the madness and mayhem.
  Do not get swayed by the false arguments of the pseudo-Hindus, who want their 
faith to be turned into a barbaric one.
  they want to maim and murder our motto of Vasudeva Kutumbam 
  'Sarvejano sukhino BhavanthuÂ’ 

Pravin K. Sabnis 
  visit: www.unlearningunlimited.blogspot.com 

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