> From: vinay natekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Subject: [Goanet] Defamation of  HJS FACT Exibition
> It is very strange that no Muslim have objected  to the FACT Photo
> Exhibition. 

Do you seriously think they are enjoying the way they are being painted
as the enemy? That is the success of the Hindutvavadis -- the people
they are hounding are often too scared to raise their heads above the
trenches and protest, for fear of getting their heads shot off for their
pains. Go visit Gujarat, you can see the situation at its starkest
there, in the self-proclaimed laboratory of Hindutva, where the fear
among the minorities is palpable, and they are forced to swallow their
hurt and pain for fear of having worse miseries visited upon them.

> Then why the Christians and phony secularists are so much
> concerned about ? 

But injustice must be protested, or it reigns unchallenged, and grows in
strength. That's where others -- however you define them -- come in.

> Christians and Muslims all over the world are
> enemies of one another, but in secular India alone they are always
> found on the same side against their common enemy : Hinduism. 

You appear to have been reading Samuel Huntington's Clash of
Civilizations, one of George Bush's favourite bedtime fairy tales.

> Let me
> put in a straight forward words to you , Hindus are not going to be
> intimidated by your illusionary malady of bias propaganda which is
> appealing and exhilarating  fabrication of facts. 

Your purple prose is running away with you :-) And now you arrogate to
yourself the role of spokesperson of all Hindus, just like the Sangh
Parivar does. But much to its chagrin, it has not succeeded. The vast
Hindu majority (like the majority of people from all religions) is too
balanced and against hate and violence to fall easy prey to such propaganda.

> You have the right
> to express your opinions 

Thank you, sir, that is very kind of you!

> but you can not deny the truth and facts to
> be exposed. 

Expose away, though what gets exposed in the process is there for all to

> In west, historically secularism stood for rationalism,
> universalism, humanism . In India today secularism is united front of
> all anti hindu ideologists. In the context of minority appeasement it
> has resulted unfortunate perversion of India?s political parlance. 
> The most spectacular thing about the fraudulent liberals and anti
> hindu secular brigade that they will never take up the cause of the
> organized genocide of Kashmiri Pandits in Kashmir. 

Do you seriously think that repeating yourself over and over again like
a stuck record will make people believe you? This is getting tiresome,
but okay, here goes. Will Teesta Setalvad, the editor of Communalism
Combat, serve as an example of the kind of people you describe as
'psuedo-secular'? I rather think she will do, given the vitriolic
invective against her on this very forum by various apologists of Hindutva.

Well, Communalism Combat has regularly focused on the plight of Kashmiri
Pandits. See, for example, the article at
http://sabrang.com/cc/comold/sep00/mino.htm. The other examples are too
numerous to mention, just go to sabrang.com, and search the 'Communalism
Combat' archives for 'Kashmir' and see for yourself.

Another of the favourite themes of the FACT-wallahs and their ilk is
Hindus in Bangladesh (Francois Gautier has done another exhibition on
this theme). Well, Communalism Combat regularly features this issue.
See, for example, http://sabrang.com/cc/archive/2004/sep04/cover.html,
and http://sabrang.com/cc/archive/2001/dec01/cover.htm. Again, there are
many more examples -- just type 'Bangladesh' in the search and see for

Of course, where Teesta Setalvad fails, from your point of view, is to
use these cases to whip up passions against innocent Muslims who have
nothing to do with all this. That is the speciality of FACT, the HJS and
the Sangh Parivar in general. Teesta Setalvad actually uses these cases
(as she does the violence against minorities in India) to argue against
communalism and spread a message of peace and tolerance. And so she and
her ilk are damned in your eyes.

> Criticizing
> anything anti ?Hindu activities are painted as communal and tagged as
> pro  Sangh Parivar. To sum up: -Talking about and exposing ethnic
> cleansing and massacre of Hindus in Kashmir is communal. -Talking
> about Mumbai, Varanasi, Delhi Jehadi terrorist bomb blasts  is
> communal. -Talking about  the genocide of Hindus in Pakistan and
> Bangladesh is communal. 

Need I go on? Again, search the archives of Communalism Combat for all
these issues and see for yourself. Okay, you don't like this example? Go
to pluralindia.com, which hosts the articles of another of the targets
of your ire, Ram Puniyani. Search for these issues and see for yourself.
Search the writings and work of any of the people you describe as
'psuedo-secular' and you will see that they have roundly condemned all

Yes, secularists do state that fascist Hindutva (as represented by the
Sangh Parivar) is the biggest threat to liberal democracy in India. And
that is because this is a simple fact (as opposed to FACT :-). To quote
Teesta Setalvad and Javed Anand's editorial from the May 2001 issue of
Communalism Combat, "Whenever Communalism Combat is blamed for being
'too pro-minority', we hold the Sangh Parivar and the rest of the
saffron brotherhood responsible for this editorial 'tilt'. Had Hindutva
not hijacked the national agenda and targeted the country's religious
minorities, so much time and attention would not have been needed to
defend Muslims and Christians from the vitriol, vilification and
violence that is deliberately directed at them."

> Talking about greatest genocide on earth of
> more than 100 million Hindus during barbaric Muslim moghul, British
> and Portuguese rule in India is communal.

You are most welcome to read whatever fantasies pass as history in your
eyes. But it is the reality of power, both historically and in the
present, that it acts brutally and with violence. But such deliberate
targeting of any particular religious group by any rulers on such a
scale is not supported by any respectable historical evidence.

And even assuming -- merely for the purposes of argument -- that there
is a modicum of truth in this, what is the point of trying to target
people today for imagined or real sins of their forbears? Is history to
be used to whip up communal passions in unrelated contexts? You want to
take 'revenge' against people today for the alleged sins of their
religious brethren 400 years ago? Of course, the Sangh Parivar is
past-master at this strategy, as their acolyte, Manohar Parrikar,
demonstrated with his communal VCD.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

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