Diana Pinto - Herald Oct. 25, 2007 [editorial]
What an insult CM??

It is insulting to Goans that Chief Minister Digamber Kamat and Francisco
Sardinha expect us to be satisfied with their assurance that the Government
will not supply water to SEZs. coming up in the  state. So then, are the SEZ
developers going to import water from the rest of the country or maybe even

The Government makes lopsided policies and the locals are compelled to pay a
heavy price. If the Chief Minister is willing, I will be happy to personally
escort him around the  Verna Industrial Estate, where almost every industry
has sunk borewells indiscriminately because the Government had promised a
quantity of water that it could not supply. As a consequence, the ground
water table in the surrounding villages has been seriously depleted. Even
today, in the proposed SEZ in Verna, the developers are certainly not
depending on the Government's erratic and undependable water supply but have
already started sucking the ground water through borewells and the locals
can brace themselves for a future of long, hard, dry days.

Rules and laws are made to be followed by the 'aam aadmi'. But the GIDC
Board apparently, is above all rules and all laws as can be seen from the
manner in which the Board has allotted huge tracts of our precious land for
SEZs in Verna. When elected Governments who are supposed to function as
custodians of our collective assets are the ones who are responsible for
selling it off, then they compel the people to come out and assert their
will. In the case of RO 2011 and SEZs, where huge tracts of land are being
handed over on a silver platter to private developers, it is a matter of
shame for the Government of the day.

The Chief Minister has brazenly assured the people that SEZs have been put
into "cold storage", even as work is proceeding at a frenetic pace at the
Verna SEZs. Either in his administration 'the right hand does not know what
the left hand does' or it is a deliberate attempt at hoodwinking the people
now that the Parliamentary elections are upon us.

And the CM certainly cannot be serious when he says that the "state
government cannot go against the permissions given by the Centre for SEZs in
Goa". This is a life changing policy for Goans, affecting their demography,
environment, infrastructure and even identity. Does the CM need to be
reminded that he has been elected to look after the interests of Goans and
not serve as a puppet of the Centre? If necessary, he has to fight against
any policy thrust upon Goa by the Centre which goes against the interests of
the people he has promised to serve.

Lambert Mascarenhas - GT- Oct. 25, 2007
Inauguration Spree?

WHY should or must the Chief Minister Digamber Kamat opt to accept
invitations to inaugurate some trivial association or be chief guest at some
inconsequential functions da in and day out when he is expected, as head of
the government, to concentrate on the affairs of the state?

Is this his 'aam aadmi' concept of good governance? In no democratic
government of the world is the Chief Minister, or even the other ministers,
are seen wasting their time in such useless performancies over which I
think, the Goa media is highly responsible in high-lighting.

As a retired journalist, I also feel that the media in Goa is lionising
Churchill Alemao, who is surviving in Goan politics on bombast, and does not
realise his limitations.


We Goans had the pleasure of enjoying one of the fabulous tiatrs of old

Today Goans have the pleasure of seeing the 'GOAN KOLVONTH' on display in
Goa's political show.

What did Diana Pinto and Lambert Mascarenhas expect?

'nach  gho Kolvontha nach' -  'Gagro fuloun nach'


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