So why are we on this forum if not to comment upon society, with good grace or 
ill-will, this forum is made up of Goan, non-Goans and those who have an 
interest in "all things Goan".  This includes talking about religion, its 
priests & temples, churches, mosques and so on.
  To simply allow things to go unabaited, to not discuss or put straight, on 
the record or off it, is to allow things to go from one extreme to another.
  This is not about the Catholic Church, whether or not Albert is part of the 
cause or the solution, we all have our own private and personal ideas of what 
is right and wrong.  To discuss it in detail brings out the best, (and worst) 
in all of us.
  Discussions & Debates is the raison d'etre of this forum, lets keep it that 
way.  If anyone feels they do not wish to take part, then fine, dont take part. 
 If you feel so strongly about a subject, then by all means put forward a view. 
  To keep silent is to associate oneself to the negative .............. let not 
go there!  How do we develop wisdom?  Surely the elders and those with 
experience will impart this, by actions.  Talking, writing and corresponding is 
one way, by example is another.
  John Monteiro
  Berkshire, England.

The topic about Bishop going to Sao Francisco has been blown out of 
proportion....... I do not wish to comment further............... May I request 
the Goan net members to stop throwing dust at each other...... the affairs of 
the church is concerned the less we talk better it is, for our own health and 
peace of mind............ keep praying to our clergy that they may be ruled by 
Divine hand..........Accusing the bishop or the clergy on one side and abusing 
Albert on the other side will not make us grow rich in mind or wisdom.........
Paul Mascarenhas

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