Dear all,

There is no firm count of Goan families in the San Diego area, but 
approximately 50 families are
estimated to live in the area. All have been directly or indirectly impacted by 
the fires.
Fortunately, reports coming in suggest they have found temporary housing, 
including assistance
from city, county, state, federal agencies, and local non-profits. Long-term 
the evacuees will
face hardship, see

People in Southern California have rallied together and helped. The Goan 
community in Los Angeles,
Orange County, San Diego are to be admired for reaching out and providing help 
and accomodation.
Others from outside the area have also offered to help, including financially.

If you are aware of Goan families in need of assistance, please contact Acaria 
Almeida at

Thank you for your support.

Goa Sudharop

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