On 28/10/2007, Pravin Sabnis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> B wrote: btw what do you think I should do? agree with
> gadgil sabnis and others and badmouth the RSS?
> circulate biased white papers about imaginary problems
> faced by muslims in goa?.....................

............................... And don't send your private mails to apologise…
> Like the legendary Shishupal, my quota of forgiveness
> for you, is over...
> No regards for your BULL
> Pravin
> Pravin K. Sabnis
>   visit: www.unlearningunlimited.blogspot.com
>   www.poems-pravinsabnis.blogspot.com
>   www.monday-muse.blogspot.com

COMMENT: Well and truly caught out, is someone's Chicken country
nephew. Claims of receiving loads of, support emails, just as
previously, one from Toledo used to. This is not the first time that
apologies in private have been proffered...remember Cecil ? What
style, insult in public and then offer an apology in private !

Chicken country nephew, is attempting to canvass support, by directly
sending emails to many it seems ! how pathetic.

I'm just a lonely boy ( oops girl ) lonely and blue, I'm all alone
with nothing to do......goes the lyrics of a oldie by Paul Anka.....



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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