On Sat Oct 27 09:47:52 PDT 2007, Rajan P. Parrikar wrote:

We should be thinking of ways to reduce motorized traffic
and curtail our carbon emissions, not increase them.

RESPONSE: Are you proposing we ride the bullock cart, again?

Nobody talks about cultivating road manners and road culture,
something that would enhance the quality of life much more than the
pouring of fresh asphalt.

RESPONSE: Road manners?? In Goa?? You kidding, right ??

The 6-lane highway will transform Goa - coastal Goa, at any
rate - into one indistinguishable contiguous urban mass.  The
damage would be incalculable and irreversible.

RESPONSE: Are you suggesting the aligning of this 6-lane highway will occur along the present NH 17. This highway is presently meandering detrimentally too close to homes along several stretches. The govt should consider building a new highway in Goa's hinterland. There will be more trees to cut and more bridges to build over the khazan lands. And without proper EA safeguards, a bigger ecological disaster!!

The Dilli savage now has a choice of flights from sunrise
until sunset.  A slew of trains is now on offer for the ghati
from Bihar or AP.  Getting into Goa has never been easier.

RESPONSE: Hey, wait till the aliens figure this place out!!

- Bosco

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