Hello Cornel, Be careful to watch the road, mirror checks, shoulder checks, 
pedestrians, trafffic, and all, while looking for "these supposedly holed up 
Bamons" in Margao.  You might land in the hole yourself.  Just a caution, no 
offence meant. Some people never give up, no matter what!! Regards, Alba 
FernandesCalgary, Canada
Cornel's reply to Cedric:Hi CedricoI was glad to hear from you that you believe 
that the caste system is in decline in Goa. Hopefully, it will become obsolete 
as soon as possible. I think I can accept Agnelo's view that there are more 
urgent priorities facing Goa right now with so much structural change taking 
place fairly rapidly. However, constantly pricking the caste balloon is also 
important not only to demolish those Margao Brahmins you referred to but also 
to empower the non Brahmins so as to to take on the Brahmins at every 
opportunity regarding their caste racism. I hope to visit Margao sometime 
reasonably soon and would appreciate a little info as to exactly where these 
Bamons are supposedly holed up and located geographically and how in your view, 
"Brahminism prevails". For me, just driving around to observe their 
increasingly decadent surroundings would be of considerable 
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