> From: Bhandare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] Kudos to Floriano

> now that you have declared him patriot no 1 please
> raise your voice against the likes of gadgil and
> sabnis who seem to have taken up cudgels against Rajan
> simply because of his politcs

This is a typical comment from Bhandare who tends to see the world in
unidimensional colours. I have never cast doubt on Rajan Parrikar's
abilities and skills nor his commitment to improve Goa, in fact, I
have appreciated both in the past. What I have questioned are his
politics, and the chauvinistic and communal ideas he spouts, which can
only lead to disaster. The distinction between the two obviously
escapes Bhandare.

Unfortunately I am out of town at this time, else I would certainly
have gone for the exhibition. But I have seen the photos at
http://www.parrikar.org/images/deathofgoa/index.html as well as the
various photos to which he has posted links from time to time, and
been quite impressed. Also, his knowledge of Hindustani classical
music appears impressive, see http://www.parrikar.org/.

If only he were to abandon his communal and chauvinistic posturing...

Question everything -- Karl Marx

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