I believe it would be decent of you to address Pravin directly, as opposed
to an email addressed to Floriano. It would be setting a good example to
this forum.* We must try to control our human frailties towarads the
inadvertent, but when we do slip (whatever the extent) -- to summon up the
will to apologize directly to the recipient of ones inadvertent thoughts,
and without any ambiguity. Chinmay-a, it is only through such gestures that
we manage to make ouselves somewhat whole again.

Other than than keep thriving, and live to the fullest.
Sarvesam svastir bhavatu.


* This should not be implied as expecting me to be the enforcer and
guarantor of apologies of other Goanetters. In which case, do not do as I am


From: Bhandare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Kudos to Floriano - minor correction


Pravin Sabnis has NOT taken up cudgels against Rajan I
am sorry his name inadvertently sliped through

The error is regretted and so is the inconvenence
caused to pravin..



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