From: Vidyadhar Gadgil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Vodyadhar  wrote - 
But who is talking of BJP supporters or those who voted for them?
The point is the party itself. That is no different from what it
is in the rest of India. If they are different, let the BJP (Goa
version) give a public statement condemning Narendra Modi and
asking for action to be taken against all those responsible for
the Gujarat carnage.
Response - 
How conveniently are you forgetting  the fact  of 23  years back genocide of 
Sikhs which took place in November 1984 in which more than 4,000 Sikh men, 
women and children slaughtered by Congress hooligans. In Delhi alone, 2,733 
Sikhs were burned alive, butchered or beaten to death.
Women were raped while their terrified families pleaded for mercy, little or 
none of which was shown by the Congress flag-bearers. 
For three days and nights the killing and pillaging continued without the 
police, the civil administration and the Union Congress Government who was in 
power , which was then in direct charge of Delhi, lifting a finger in 
admonishment. It was the Congress cadres who were behind this genocide.
Despite the constitution of innumerable high-power committees, police 
investigation teams and commissions these are few small fries who have been 
booked; the real culprits are still eluding the call of justice. 
The reality is that there has been no political will to prosecute the culprits. 
Did  any Goa Congress leader condemn these killings ?
Vidyadhar wrote –
What is this "your people" and "my people" business? Here
precisely is the problem with the Sangh Parivar -- the inability
to think beyond communal identities.
Response -
You are grossly misinterpreting my sentence. My word ,”your people” meant 
people of your constituency. Don’t apply your own whimsical meanings to 
everything. I know Margao is a Hindu majority constituency. So there is no 
question of communal trail in my script.

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