I attended a funeral today and some poignant words:

The tragedy is not in dying - but in not having really lived.

The hurt is not in that there has to be a limit to our days. The hurt
is the terrible waste of the days we have, while we still have them.

Call forth the knowledge that no good deed ever really disappears.
Just as energy never evaporates into nothingness in the physical
world, so acts of kindness are transformed into memories in the
spiritual world.


I have been blessed in having lived a fulfilled life, I hope that you
have too ! I forgive those b'#5a4ds, who have sinned against me and
ask for forgiveness if I have offended any b'#5a4ds !

'In God we trust' the official moto of the USA and don't anyone tell
you the USA is not a Christian Nation. Everyone knows this and those
who believe otherwise are on a 'smoking' trip.

The rest are happy to pick up the 'mighty' US dollar.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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