Rajan P. Parrikar wrote: One fellow writes pompously that things don't
remain static, that we have to accept change. This is a hackneyed

Mervyn Lobo responded thus to Rajan:

1:  You are clearly afraid to debate anyone of Goanet. In fact, you
are scared enough not to mention the person you are referring to.
Given this condition of yours, I wonder how on earth you are going to
challenge those that you disagree with.

2: The Indian Govt is also paying for the maintenance of historical
buildings in Goa. The situation in Goa today is the way it is because
of the GOAN politicians GOANS have elected.

== jc's response

My dear Mervyn,

I doubt that Rajan is afraid of debating anyone ON GoaNet. My view is
that he does not care to do so. Individuals who know that they alone
are right, do not need to debate. They make pronouncements. After that
it is "My Way or Highway".

Having said that, let me hasten to say this ...I believe that Rajan
Parrikar is quite right in many of his statements. It's his solutions
that (I believe) are out of whack.

Rajan Parrikar has written that the Chougulos (oops Chowgules) are
involved in the Paithona environmental destruction. Are these the same
Chowgules to whom Ashok Chowgule belongs? Yes ...Ashok Chowgule who
heads the Mumbai chapter of the VHP (cousin of BJP) ....and
ex-prominent Goanetter who spouted the same "talking points" one
sometimes reads from Rajan and Bhandare?

And what, if I may ask,  will happen to this project IF the BJP take
over in Goa?

It appears that Rajan's heart is in the right place, but not his head
- unless the primary or collateral intent is to encourage the Goan
populace to "bring down THIS government" so that a BJP led coalition
can take over in Goa!

Be cautious Goans for what you wish ....your wishes may actually be
fulfilled. Please engage your brains before you carry yourselves (as
mesmerized pawns to do the bidding for others) on to the roads.

Mervyn, I also suggest that you may be ONLY partially correct about # 2 (above)

Please advise us wrt following:

Accepting that some politicians are using these slums et al as voting
banks, What exactly can anybody do to stop (say for example) the
entire population of Bihar from migrating to Goa?

I invite you to visit the city centre in Margao and Dharavi 2 in Zuari
nagar. Ask yourself - How did this debacle happen? Is there any method
of preventing it from wosening?

I submit that it is impossible for Goan to be legally able to
withstand the inevitable.

just my view

BTW: re "Waiting for change in Goa" .....Change of what? ...Government? !!

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