Querido Senhor Rajan Parrikar,

I fully understand your disappointment with Kamat's govt. But I have
to say he is better than Mr. Rane who could not make any decision
without the blessing of Madame Margaret Alva, the former queen of Goa.
You need to give some time to Mr. Kamat and you will see the results
in the next few months.
Regarding the missing files, you yourself will be able to find them if
you bribe the clerk or peon. Give him a lakh of rupees and you will
find the file next day. That is one good thing in Goa, you can get
anything done if you have the money.
Regarding SEZ, Kamat inherited it. It was approved during Rane's govt.
Regarding RP 2011, Kamat again inherited it. It was passed during
Rane's govt. You need to blame the then Cong Govt.
In both cases, he has promised to review them and currently he has put
them on hold. Do you know why Lok Shakti's Francisco Colaco and Datta
Naik are sitting quite (sosegado). Because they know that Kamat will
abolish them. I cannot blame them as they are both portuguese language
literate, sorry for being partial.
Kamat is the best you can have in Congress party.He has independent
mind and does not seek permission from the High Command for anything
he does in Goa. I only hope he does not include Babush in his cabinet.
Then he will loose my support.
Regarding Mathany Saldanha, another portuguese language literate, he
is the most honest man Goa assembly had in the last assembly. He
committed one mortal sin, he sided with Porikar, as Cederico do Kuwait


>>Wed Nov 14 04:01:20 PST 2007

>To Goanet -Does the Digambar Kamat government have ananswer for why
the FIR filed at Agacaim waswithdrawn? No.

>Now that it has transpired that certain key filesare missing, has the
govt filed an FIR? Is thereany investigation? No & No.

>What a goddam joke!The whole thing playing out is a tragicomedy.

>There ought to be now a mass movement todislodge this govt. But do we
have the willand unity necessary even within the GBA?Dr. Rebello,
seize the moment. We'll standwith you.

>On a different note - I hear that efforts are onby the Congress to
weaken Matanhy Saldanha.

>Already the public meeting scheduled for thisevening in Keri has run
into rough weather.

>You can bet your last paisa that the politicosand the powerful
business mafia behind theSEZs have shifted into top gear.

>Warm regards

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