Bhandare (On 04/11/2007) : We goans need to solve our problems and not
let outsiders fish in troubled waters..

JC: We may wish to ask ourselves: The outsiders never fished like this
before 1961. Why are they able to fish now? What besides the departure
of the Portuguese happened after 1961?

Barad: Is JC trying to project that Portuguese were insiders?
Surprised!! Have they as outsiders not "Fished and Troubled Goa"
during their rule. Have they not "Fished You" from your originality
and converted you to Christian! Should we not call those conversion
attempts "Dirty Fishing"!

jc's response:


May I suggest that those (like the Dr. Barad) who seek to respond to
my posts, please read the posts in context?

I do accept that English is a difficult language - for some, more than
others. Even so, please let us engage our brains before we open our
mouths (figuratively).

NOW, please ascertain WHICH "outsiders" Bhandare and Rajan Parrikar
have been writing (and Rajan posting photographs) about. YES, once
again - please refer to context.

MY position (and I repeat for the sound byte wallas): After 1961,
legally - there is NO such thing as an Indian citizen bhaillo or
bhaillem in Goa. ALL Indian citizens have as much land rights in Goa
as do any Goans. They can buy the land, sell the land and do whatever
they wish to do with that land within the legal parameters set out by
the various zoning restrictions. YES - money will talk!

These alleged "bhailles" could not do this for 400+ years before 1961
- could they?

Is the (immediately) above statement that difficult to comprehend? or
do we need to express our innate need to go on a weird tangent every
single time?

BTW, as far as my 'originality and conversion to Christianity': I
really do not know what form of religion or atheism my
fore-fore-forebears followed. They possibly worshiped some Kunbi or
Gavdi God or a Coconut tree, only to converted to the Brahman
dominated Casteism by the Aryans who came down from up north; then
re-converted to Buddhism during Ashoka's time, only to be reconverted
to Hinduism, Islam during the various bloody battles that Hindu and
Muslim rulers fought over what was then Goa .... to be followed by the
Christian conversion.

I do not believe that ANY of the above conversions were voluntary.

I strongly believe that every single conversion was involuntary.

Dr. Barad is right. Every single 'conversion' that Goans have had
imposed upon them has been 'dirty'. Every single imposed one - and
that includes Brahmanism/Casteism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity.

I can tell you this though - my personal continuance as a Catholic is
absolutely voluntary.


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