Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 10:20:03 -0800 (PST)
From: Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I have tried to make this as clear as I can, the 5.1%
rate used, once again, is the privately calculated US
inflation rate.  No one trusts US govt numbers
anymore. This is not difficult to understand, it is
only difficult to accept. If you want, you can call
the rate any name that is acceptable to you ;-)  The
name is of no concern to me.
Mario responds:
The first thing one needs to do if one finds oneself
in a hole is to stop digging:-))
I went back and looked at your original response to
Vivian on this subject.  You said inflation in the US
was running at 5.1%.  Unfortunately, you also said,
"As you know, the US has an unique method of measuring
inflation. It does not take into account the cost of
food and petrol."  This suggested that you were
referring to an official US inflation rate, not some
private rate, because why would a private rate used in
making investments exclude the cost of food and
Subsequently, you said that the 5.1% was a rate used
by non-US investors in lending to US businesses.  This
actually made some sense.
Now you are saying your 5.1% is THE privately
calculated US inflation rate, as if there is an
official privately calculated US inflation rate.
Regarding your other opinions about the US, you are
entitled to them.
Mervyn wrote:
All I am concerned about is using this rate to make
Mario responds:
Good luck.   
Mervyn wrote:
PS. This is my last comment on this topic. Only you
and Bibi Bhandari out of 14,000 people here have not
understood my point. I can live peacefully with that
success rate.
Mario responds:
You would be surprised at what we have understood:-))
I hope you are as perspicacious at guessing the US
inflation rate as you are at guessing what 14,000
Goanetters have understood, which you have no way of

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