for favour of publication, please.



Averthanus L. D'Souza.


            The North Goa Planning and Development Authority has published
the draft Outline Development Plans for Panjim and Mapusa for scrutiny by
the general public and to allow the citizens to submit their objections, if
any, to the  NGPDA  before the 15th. December, 2007.  As usual, the NGPDA is
very reticent about making these Plans widely available in each Panchayat,
in the Municipalities  and at prominent public places.   Citizens are
expected to go to the office of the NGPDA and examine the Plans, which are
put up on the Notice Board.    It is rumoured that citizens are not allowed
to take photographs of the displayed plans.   There is no officer of the
NGPDA available to explain the details of the ODPs to citizens who cannot
interpret the very technical and confusing plans.

            In these circumstances, the Goa Bachao Abhiyan is making
Herculean efforts to educate the public about the ODPs  and to explain to
them the intricacies of the plans.  The GBA had a day long exhibition in the
Kala Akademy a few weeks ago, and another one at the Clube Vasco da Gama,
Panjim on November 20th  from 10.00 to 19.00 hrs.  The GBA has also
announced its intention to hold similar public exhibitions in future to
enable citizens to understand the implications of the ODPs.  The GBA has
also promised to assist citizens to draft out their objections, if any, to
be submitted to the NGPDA before the deadline of December 15th.   

            While the efforts of the GBA in this connection are certainly to
be commended, and the team which makes the presentation is to be
congratulated on the clarity with which it explains the implications of the
ODPs,  one very important (and basic) aspect of the entire exercise  appears
to be overlooked - surprisingly, even by the GBA.    

            There is a fundamental objection to the NGPDA going ahead with
the processing of the Outline Development Plans.   In principle, any ODPs
have to fit into an overall, and larger Regional Plan, which provides the
parameters for the balanced development of the entire region.    According
to the principles of planning, the larger Regional Plan has to be formulated
first.   The more detailed Outline Development Plans can only be prepared in
accordance with the Regional Plan.    It simply does not make any sense for
the NGPDA to proceed with the ODPs without any reference to the Regional

            The Chief Minister has appointed a Task Force to advise him on
how to go about preparing a Regional Plan.  The Task Force is currently in
session and has had several meetings.  Many NGOs and civic groups as well as
individuals have been given the opportunity to present their views to the
Task Force.  While the Task Force is in session, it is quite stupid for the
NGPDA to continue processing the ODPs without any reference whatsoever to
the eventual formulation of the Regional Plan.    The logical thing to do is
that  the processing of  the ODPs  be frozen until the Regional Plan is duly
approved and officially promulgated.   There is every possibility that if
the ODPs are finalized independently of the Regional Plan, there will be
contradictions and inconsistencies in the ODPs in relation to the Regional
Plan.    It is as if the building contractor proceeds with his construction
activities even before the plan of the construction has been finalized by
the Architect or before the Plan has been approved by the appropriate

            The word "stupid"  has been used deliberately because there is
no better word to describe the utterly obtuse thinking which underlies the
initiative of the NGPDA to proceed with the processing of the ODPs.

            Which brings us to the activities of the Goa Bachao Abhiyan.
The time and effort which the GBA has expended  on preparing the very
effective display materials and the OHP presentation to explain the
intricacies of the ODPs to the public is reminiscent of the efforts  of the
attendants in hospital OPDs to put bandages on weeping sores without
investigating the internal causes of the sores.   The mere bandaging of the
sores is not going to solve the underlying problem.   The many
inconsistencies in the ODPs are only the manifestation of the deeper malaise
which pervades the PDAs.  Total incompetence, arrogance and corruption which
determine the ultimate ODPs.   What is called for is a thorough overhaul of
the entire system of planning and the abolition of the present structure of
planning - which is irrational and nonsensical.  Instead of spending time
and effort is showing up inconsistencies,  the GBA should have followed the
same principle which it did when it campaigned (so effectively) for the
total scrapping of the Regional Plan 2011.   What is now called for is the
freezing of the process of formulating ODPs.   It does not make any sense to
proceed with this exercise in the absence of a Regional Plan.   A radical
overhaul  of  the process of planning  is urgently required,  otherwise we
will have the equivalent of the dish running away with the spoon.



Averthanus L. D'Souza,

D-13, La Marvel Colony,

Dona Paula, Goa  403 004.


Tel: (0832) 2453628.






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