Bhandare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote ...Dear Sonia:

1: The main reason why some people on goanet hate the BJP

2: their visceral hatred stems from the fact that we are hindus...

3: it is naive to assume that had parikar not cancelled holidays or
had not come out with the VCD these people would have supported him...

4: as far as selma being a paid congress agent, thats not true..her
vaccuous nonsense is not something anyone will pay for....:-)

5: dont pay too much attention to her types...that just emboldens them
more....once in a while they should be censured so that they remain in

Dear Bhandare,

re 1: I wish you would point out one person on GoaNet who 'hates' the
BJP.  Hate is a sign of weakness. Besides, there is a difference
between Hating and Being Wary of.

re 2: could it be said that Bhandare hates Sonia (Gandhi) because she
was born a Catholic?

re 3: I have written to you before about the 'canceled holidays'  and
WHY I support Parrikar on the decision to cancel as many holidays as
possible for civil servants. They are forever on holiday. Please do
not mix up the "Holidays" issue with the Communal VCD issue.  I ask
you, would you trust a group of  avowed WHITE supremacists burning a
cross in your yard?

re 4: What about you?  Are you a paid BJP agent?  And Is your vaccuous
nonsense  something anyone will pay for?

re 5: holding you in check!


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