Dear Selma,

Again your reply to my posting was as expected. (Your posting is appended
here below)! If you are still denying of using "Painted Italian Doll" words
in your earlier mail I should wonder about your short memories though you
claim to possess "very long memories"!But GoaNet memories in their archives
don't speak lies, unless you have special excess to archives! 

Secondly, no one can compel members to believe, or think what is posted by
other members. It's left to individuals. Members know which e-mails to read
and not to read!! As regards authenticity, again the same logic holds good.
Citation of references to authenticate is required in text books and other
relevant documents but not in postings to mailing list. More over I have
never read any reference citations to your postings to consider it has

Most importantly you have not answered GoaNet as to what Goans should say
about Margaret (Market) Alva!! Definitely Market is not the word coined by
me, but I heard it from many fellow congressmen! So what have you to say on

You concluded your posting saying "My contention was, women should not be
subjected to gender-based slurs such as "Italian doll" etc, something men
are not subjected to". Does this imply that other way round is okay i.e.
"Men can be subjected to gender-based slurs.....something women are
empowered to do so?"

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

*************** Selma's e-mail *************************************

Message: 7
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 07:19:19 -0800 (PST)
From: Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Selma calls Sonia "Painted Italian
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Dear Dr Barad,

Considering that your subject line of this post is a bald-faced lie, I have
to wonder at the authenticity of all the other information you throw at us.

If you've written against the BJP, I've never read it.
I can only go by what you write on Goanet, which is very inclined towards
the BJP and anti-congress.

Congress maybe a dirty word in Goa. Goan politicians have done us proud by
managing to distort every ethics rule in the politicians hand-manual.
Despite this, until a better alternative comes along, shastikaars will still
be a congress vote-bank. We have very long memories. We will not forget nor
forgive BJP's communal agenda.

You are free to highlight any politicians bag of dirty laundry. My
contention was, women should not be subjected to gender-based slurs such as
"Italian doll" etc, something men are not subjected to.


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