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Goanet mourns the passing of Jorge de Abreu Noronha in Portugal - Nov 27/07




--- Bhandare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is also interesting that Selma wants hussein to
> have full freedom of speech to insult the sentiments
> of hindus but would not grant that same fredom to
> people who abuse gandhi or nehru or hold
> exhibitions.

Heeding Bosco's warning I have given up responding to
your posts, however you and Dr Barad seem to
persistently drag me into every post you write and
then too, you have to mis-represent what I write.

a) Whatever misgivings I had about the exhibition
hosted by the right-wing brigade, I don't recall
asking for it to be prohibited. 

b) I can't stop people from criticizing Nehru or
anyone else for that matter. To me it's just bad form
to be an Indian and criticizing national heroes. There
is a process to building nationhood, and it starts
with sharing our victories and feeling collective
shame for our failures. If we can't do either, then
we're not growing as a nation, we are factionalising. 

What I said has been misrepresented by certain parties
on Goanet, but that's ok, because Goanet too is all
about partisan politics.


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