                    **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

Goanet mourns the passing of Jorge de Abreu Noronha in Portugal - Nov 27/07




Hi Mario,
  In which Century are you living in?
  The World leaders ignored Hitler because it did not concern them.
  Look what happened.
  People like Bandare are slowly creeping into Goanet forum with their RSS 
ideology akin to Hitler's SS.
  Recently he has come up with a slogan saying, 'thou shall not take a cheap 
shot at RSS for a laugh on Goanet', are we to ignore it? 
  And, he has got the cheek to say READ MY MAIL CAREFULLY.
  Mario responds:
Does membership here demand that you read every post
and get emotionally involved in its contents?
If you don't like a topic, can't you just ignore it,
as you would do in a REAL forum or gathering?  

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