Bhandare wrote:
> Dear mervyn:
> if i remember correctly your question about the Orange
> marches was merely a red herring..

On the contrary, the Orange Marches are central to my argument. "Orange 
Marches" being held to remember/celebrate violence in the 17th Century! Until 
recently, every march meant more deaths. Catholics would kill Protestants and 
vice-versa.  That is what usually happens when politicians and religious 
figures get hell bent on celebrating victories of violence.

> mario goveia posted a news report about the
> comemoration of the anniversary of some terror
> criticised it because the poster was
> mario...

Thank you for recognizing that you have to protect Mario Goveia.

> i asked you what is wrong with remembering terror victims?

The answer is in my first paragraph above. 
Secondly, people who genuinely want to remember their loved ones usually 
require moments of quiet reflection. When politicians/religious figures get 
involved in "remembrance" issues, they usually hijack the event for their own 
purposes. The real way for politicians/religious figures to remember terror 
victims is to take steps to ensure that terrorists do not get another chance to 
attack (like the last time they did when the politicians were asleep).

> rather than answer that question you introducedt this
> orange marches issue...

I would suggest that instead of going to church services and watching Muslim 
video's, you should take an English as a Second Language course. They too are 
free in Arkansas. I am getting tired of reading badly constructed sentences 
complete with horrible spellings. If you do not have respect for those who HAVE 
to read your posts, at least have some respect for yourself and improve your 
language skills. That way, you would give the moderators here less work.

BTW, by including the author of the "DOTHAN" issue here, I think I will have 
created the perfect triactor. As someone mentioned, we do not need news of the 
weird but news FROM the weird.

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