----- Original Message -----
From: "John Eric Gomes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Herald Letters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Herald Editor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 1:12 AM

> Reference Averthanus DSouzas article on ODP (Herald 27Nov),  for the
> Establishment its business as usual, he has labeled governments
"business as usual" as stupid.. It is we who are stupid for
> allowing ourselves to be taken for a ride time and time again!The
> of the expert Swaminathan Committee reviewing CRZ notification 1991
> accepted by the Center.  Reportedly ,Shantaram Naik was  recently
informed in
> Parliament that no representation either opposing or supporting
> in CRZ was made by
> the Government of Goa.  However,they have recorded a Report from the
> Foundation!
> Our Politicians have found it easy to placate the public with
> packages that they benefit from, and they have a growing list of
> "advisors" who know the intricacies of administration and  built in
> procedures to keep us running from pillar to post ,with impunity. So
> virtual reality, keeping things on hold when the going gets rough, and
> the governance continues based on deals to protect the  grounds of
> various mafias and powerful vested interests.
> The GBA  and NGOs are doing  their best to educate and galvanise
> opinion. The Courts are overloaded ,slow and are wary of crossing the
> Executive/ getting into tangles with the government machinery..Unless
> emulate Nandigram ( I'm afraid of that may be the fallout of  this
> business as usual), what else can the public do?

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