Yesterday, after long time, I attended SAIBINN at my friend's place.

Whole night I was trying to recollect what hymns we used to sing in 1970s and 
mid 80s.

This is what I came up with..  see below.

Do you remember all or any of these? You may correct me wherever you see I am

These hymns may be popular in Salcette. In the North (Goa), they may have
different or different version of the same.

Do you know any others? If so, please add here.

Thanks for your support.

see apic of Saibinn (below or click on the link for bigger view)

Milagros Saibinnichim Orasaovam
(As I remember: Very popular in 1970s)
 1.  (dedicated to Tarvotti/Seaman)
Doriaceha larar laru eta
Tarvotti babdde akant etat
Dolle sorgar tufanache ordear
Tea pasot maie  noman muri (repeat)
Noman Morie Kurpen bhorlole….
Disu sorta rati eta
Sogle suater kallok zata
Maim ani Pai, barabor bhurgim
Pachartat maie noman muri  (repeat last 2 lines)
Noman Morie Kurpen bhorlole….
Kurpechem besanv 
Ghal saibinn amcher
Patien rautai tuje kakuticher
Zoxen gatlam Bernaditacher
Ravon dhongrar marsa-fia tollpacher (repeat last 2 lines)
Galtam he moje dolle
Patki zaum magtaum tuje kodde
Kitlo dir ani adar asai ghe maim maka tuje thaim
Vorteli munn maka sorgar kiteak ghe tum munn mhoji maim
 (All Repeat 3 times)
Medal Milagrosa turo fulamcho
Dakoi maie amkam marog sorgimcho
Dhi amkam vantto Dhi amkam vantto tuje kurpecho
(All Repeat 3 times)
Milagrosa saibinni
Aik maie amchim magnnim
Pauliai aiz tum amchem modem
Besaum ghal saibinn tujem (repeat last 2 lines)
Milagrosa saibini,  xeratini
Tujea paiem laguim loku lakani
Ami bhurghuim daktulim, bhortelim tuka ami Fulani
Toxinch dumpaitelim donui hatani
Maie mogalle, tum amkam dileai Devan
Tum amguer ailiai ghe chodda tempan.
Aileai te dis ami, kadtai tujea sangatam
Rautai tujea Bhavartan
Eteli munn eka vorsan (repeat last 3 lines)
Other popular  hymns ignored like..
Pau Maye-yo maye, Adeus Adeus, Mhoje Maim thaim vetolom etc

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