I am resending this post in plain text. Sorry for double posting

Hi Goa-Netters,
This refers to the ongoing thread on the issue.

Having been a teacher for 38+ years, (I have worked across the
spectrum - Teacher - Supervisor - Head), it pains me to read about
molestation of students by teachers, corporal punishment being meted
out to students and such injustices. May I submit the following for

1.These problems are encountered because teachers often do not have a
sense of professionalism. Mother Theresa is said to have told Pundit
Nehru, "I can teach the nurses that you want, but who will teach them
dedication?" Many a time, individuals take up to teaching because of
the fairly attractive pay packet. Others work at teaching because it
is their last refuge. As an activist for the AGSSTA in the early days
of my career, I was among those who fought for security of service
under the leadership of the Late Mr. Ravindra Pai Raiturkar. When I
got promoted in administrative positions, (supervisor, HM), I found
that what I had fought for was a double edged sword. As an employee,
(even though a head), I was sympathetic to the aspect of security. But
at the same time, I have observed that there are many teachers who
need to be terminated because of a lack of dedication, and sloppy
work. But then, because of security of service, termination of
services often lands the management in  the proverbial fire, so most
managements just let things lie. Very often, though the teacher is
unfit, there is the human aspect and such teachers are allowed to stay
on such considerations. This is not to say that  I condone
non-professionalism in teachers, but we need to adopt a 'hire and
fire' policy in the larger interests of students and the school. The
rules for recruitment of teachers which are heavily loaded in favour
of academic performance should be modified.

2. In remote villages, particularly in Government schools, Teachers
often do not act as teachers merely because of the lack of
supervision. The teachers are free to do as they please.

3. With regard to understanding pupils, I have this to say, teachers
do by and large have patience and tolerance and understanding to a
great extent. But they are also human beings with all the emotions of
the human race. Teachers are often under pressure to produce results.
This is because of the uniform syllabus which does not recognize the
fact that some students have mental limitations. Some students simply
cannot study a given subject. Take Mathematics or Hindi, these
subjects are often beyond the ability of some students. Shouldn't
there be a system in place which allows them to study these subjects
up to a certain level and then drop them at the SSC level? (this
problem is solved by opting for IG open school). Much of the
frustration of teachers comes from this. Also, there is a serious need
of counsellors in each school. Some students are simply trouble makers
because our educational system has nothing worthwhile to offer them.
Take for instance kids in the coastal belt, many play truant because
they earn large sums of money off the tourist trade!

4. It must be admitted that children do need correction and a certain
amount of independence. I have seen parents of grownup children carry
the students bags to class. Children of today are pampered. Somewhere
down the line, we have assumed the role of giving children a better
life and future as compared to the life we have had. This
mollycoddling of children has been responsible for making them
dependent individuals and lack personal individuality. Some parents,
many of whom are abroad give children money and lavish gifts to buy
their love. I know this sounds hard. But such children turn out to be
great problem makers, distracting their class mates and flaunting
their wealth to their peers and superiors. Again an attitude is
created something like " We have all the money in the world so why
study?" These children are inattentive and distracting so what can the
teacher do? Among young children, there is a tendency to hero worship.
These children soon have a following. So what can a teacher do? Again
there are parents who refuse to sign children's results to 'punish'
them for poor performance. When called to school, they refuse to come.
This puts the school authorities to a lot of trouble.

5. Most schools have PTA's. The parents role is important in the PTA.
There are three types of  PTA Committees - supportive, indifferent or
interfering. A supportive PTA can do a lot to eliminate problems of

Once again, I must emphasise, that I do not condone acts of
molestation or corporal punishments to students, but I do feel that
there has to be an understanding of the teachers. For one thing,
teaching is a career akin to slavery. Once in it for a sufficient
number of years, there is no out. You are stuck for life. Imagine the
plight of teachers who have to teach children in Std V the English
alphabet when the children out to be Reading much higher level
language. The struggle that one has to put up. And to have to do this
year in and year out without any appreciation, any chances of
promotional prospects except for a different grade of pay once in 12
years. A reading of the book "Wilt" by Tom Sharpe would give some
insight into this aspect (though humorously).


Tony de Sa
Ph: +91 832 2470148
M: +91 9975 162 897

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