To Goanet -

Ha ha ha. It must be that time of month when Comrade Vidyadhar Gadgil flushes out all the accumulated debris. Let me translate Comradespeak for you, my dimwitted fellow Goans.

All ye Goans, feel guilty, very guilty. For you have sinned by exploiting those poor ghatis, Dalits, and above all, the salt of the earth, practitioners of the Religion of Peace, the ghati muslims. Repent O Goans, you who have abducted these innocent human beings from their El Paradisos in Karnataka, AP, Orissa, Bihar, UP and Jharkhand, and condemned them to a life of indentured labour in your greedy, capitalistic haven.

Goans, drive not on your roads, live not in your homes, dump not in your pots, breathe not your next breath without first sparing a thought for the backbreaking lives of the poor ghati labourers you have exploited and sacrificed at the altar of development, for your own selfish ends.

Goemkaars, protest not henceforth when the ghati defecates on your pavements. For he has earned enough shit interest on your shit capital. Whine not when the ghati pees in your front yard. Think of it as organic manure for the roses you, nay, he - has planted for you. Fret not when the ghati snatches your purse or your gold chain at the Old Goa festa. For you have stolen much more from him. Be not concerned when the ghati turns your cities, towns & villages into filthy favelas. It is payback time for the good life you have enjoyed all these years at his expense.

Ye Goan sinners all, heed the cackling of the faithful Marxist geese, and feel guilty, very guilty. Therein lies your salvation.

Warm regards,


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