Date: 4 Dec 2007 14:37:34 -0000
From: "Bonefacio Lopes"
Ministry of Health should conduct some AIDS
counselling lessons, skits, Musical shows for AID
victims, there could be many people in Goa who are
suffering due to AIDS quietly, there are also many who
know they are infected and infecting other innocent
Mario observes:
It is a little too late for those who already have
HIV/AIDS, other than expensive treatment which
sometimes works fairly well.  If they know they have
the virus and continue to deliberately infect others
it would be considered a serious crime in the US, and
I hope it is a serious crime elsewhere.
Bonefacio wrote:
The youth are the pillars of tommorrow and if they are
not made aware or protected on the deadly killer AIDS
then as elders we have done nothing. 

It is the responsibility of each and every Goan as
well as Non Goans to contribute positively and
immediately in awakening the awareness of AIDS in Goa
by highlighting the essence of  abstinence, honesty
between couples, compulsory testing and above all
Mario observes:
I hope the prayer you are referring to is that people
who are prone to the well known risky behavior that
causes them to get infected, experience an epiphany.
During previous pandemics one could pray that the
virus or infection, generally airborne or transmitted
through food or water, did not get to you.
In this pandemic, with the exception of the really
innocent victims like babies born to infected mothers
or unsuspecting wives and husbands infected by their
spouses, those who get infected actually have to work
quite hard at it, most engaging in risky behavior
repeatedly.  Cases of transmission from blood
transfusions are very rare today.  I recently heard of
several unsuspecting patients who were infected
through organ transplants from one infected donor. 
This, too, is likely to be the exception and unlikely
to happen again.
The bottom line is that this is a pandemic whose
growth should have been easy to stop because almost
everyone knows by now what they have to do to avoid
getting infected.  This is the message that the youth
need to learn and understand.
On the other hand, the risky behaviors that spread
this deadly disease are based on human weaknesses,
frailties and addictions, and so it continues while
causing massive misery and suffering and using untold
economic resources that could have been spent on other
human needs.

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