On 08/12/2007, Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Mario responds: > > > I speculated on what the growing imbalance between men > and women in India would lead to. You apparently > quoted a subjective study of what some "sage" thinks > is happening in China, a country with a different > moral compass from India's after decades of > mind-numbing communism. Your nutty "sage" thinks > several men will share one woman and rapes will rise. > This may or may not have any application to India, a > higly spiritual country.................
RESPONSE: Contrary to what you state, this issue is an Asian problem. Please click on to the URL below for a better understanding of the issues. excerpt: For Women the deficit situation may not improve their status at all, despite what a rudimentary economic model would have us believe. Scarcity of women would not enhance their position in society, due to the simultaneous increase in pressure to marry, higher risk of gender based violence, rising demand for sex work and the development of trafficking networks. Moreover, their reduced demographic share in democratic regimes would translate into a weaker political voice in public decision making, a trend that could be reinforced by women's lessened involvement in non-domestic activities such as outside employment and civil life....................... http://www.unfpa.org/gender/docs/studies/summaries/regional_analysis.pdf -- You really need to read the whole piece, because of your rudimentary economic model, that you seem to think will make women better off ! (in India) DEV BOREM KORUM. Gabe Menezes. London, England