Valmiki, thank you for a most informative post triggered by my questions on
the Bamon Ladder. As usual, written in your own distinctive style, it makes
for easy reading and even easier understanding. Most writers would give
their eye-tooth for this skill.

I do admit to making casual observations supported only by short stints in
Goa although with eyes wide open. Your opinions are drawn from a lifetime in
Goa supplanted by much reading to base it upon. So I surely defer to what
you say.

Didn't quite understand your para about the 3 Brahmin families of Kshatriya
Aldona. Do you really mean that Aldona was K-majority? Or were you referring
to Assolna mentioned at the end of your sentence.

I look forward to Senhor Tavares's views after the Nobel week is over and he
is more at ease.

With reference to your:
This distinction of class within the same caste is not a feature only among
'higher castes' but every caste down the ladder! The only chaps we all
forget in
these great debates are the tailend Mhars and Chamars, both Hindu and
Catholic --
it is only among them that I have found no distinctions.

Goa must have once seemed like this:
Upper rung Bs looked down on lower class Bs
Lower class Bs looked down on upper class Ks
Upper class Ks looked down on lower class Ks
Lower class Ks looked down on upper class Ss
Upper class Ss looked down on lower class Ss
And lower class Ss and everybody else looked down on the Mhars and Chamars.

How I wish I were a Mar in the golden days of Goa. I would have had my own
brand of fun.


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