           * * *  2007  ANNUAL  GOANETTERS MEET - GOA  * * *
WHERE: Foodland Cafe - Miramar Residency - Miramar, Goa

WHEN: December 27, 2007 @ 4:30pm

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Dear doutorbab Santosh,

Aum tujem borem magtam, ani tum mujea mhatear
kopel ghaltai? Ha!

Sure, it's an excellent idea, but with my present work,
I'm afraid I will not be able to take it up. But, should
anyone do that, I promise to readily share my entire
repertoire ... all in third person, though (I've myself never
witnessed any of these so-called super natural

I didn't call you a skeptic, though what I meant was that
you won't take anything without questioning it in a
rational way. As it ought to be.

Anant Ramkrishna Sinai Dhume was an experienced
Land Surveyor, whose work took him far and wide in
Goa. His native village, Cumbarjua -- of which I happen
to be a grandson -- cradles many a tale of ghosts, and
sprits possessing humans. 

Dr. Nandkumar and Prajal, yes, have written, but I don't 
think either will have the time for that now. 

Anyways, glad you look at the issue from a wider angle.

Regards, v

On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 Santosh Helekar wrote :
>--- Valmiki Faleiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hey, wouldn't Goanetters be interested in those
> > delightfully delicious Goan tales
> > of ghosts, evil eye and exorcists? If some netters
> > could launch three new threads
> > on each of those subjects and everyone would share
> > their experiences, I'm sure
> > Cecil Pinto and Frederick Noronha would only be glad
> > to publish them in
> > book form (with a foreword by Dr. Santosh Helekar,
> > of couse!) Just a thought.
> >
>Dear Valmikibab,
>Like Venantius, I would be delighted to contribute to
>such a book. Indeed, I think a good comprehensive book
>on Goan ethnography is long overdue, and I firmly
>believe that you are the right person to write it.
>Contrary to what you might be thinking, my interest in
>this matter, as with most other things, is not that of
>a skeptic but that of a naturalist. I think these
>practices have to be studied as natural phenomena.
>They have much to teach us about ourselves, and from
>my particular vantage point, about how our brains
>work. I have often told my friends here that the
>little place I hail from is a microcosm of mental and
>sociocultural phenomena preserved in their original
>pristine state. The confluence of two mutually
>contradictory religions mixed with a rich assortment
>of folk traditions in Goa has produced more rites,
>rituals and beliefs per square kilometer than in any
>other place in the world.
>The need to document them in excruciating detail is
>paramount and urgent. Please tell me how I can help
>you in this endeavor.
>P.S. I am aware that Paul Axelrod, M. N. Pearson and
>others, and our own amateur anthropologists such as
>Anant Dhume (to whom you refer), Nandakumar Kamat and
>Prajal Sakhardande, have written on this subject in
>recent times. Perhaps, Nandakumar and Prajal can help
>you develop a more focused, thorough and comprehensive
>exposition of this subject in your book.


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