           * * *  2007  ANNUAL  GOANETTERS MEET - GOA  * * *
WHERE: Foodland Cafe - Miramar Residency - Miramar, Goa

WHEN: December 27, 2007 @ 4:30pm

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                 The 1st Meeting of the newly reconstituted National Council 
for Vocational Training (NCVT) was held under the chairpersonship of the 
Minister of Labour & Employment Shri Oscar Fernandes here today. 

The Council decided to increase the reservation for women candidates seeking 
admission under Craftsmen Training Scheme from 25 per cent to 30 per cent. The 
Council felt that the promotion of women should be given greater priority 
aiming to ensure their equal participation in social and economic process. 
Therefore, it was decided that 30 per cent of seats in all ITIs and ITCs in all 
courses may be reserved for women candidates and that these seats could be 
filled based on the general reservation policy of each of the states. It was 
pointed out in the meeting that some States have got more than 30% reservation 
for women. In such cases it was decided that they may continue with their 
policy and need not bring it down. 

The NCVT also decided to approve DGE&T proposal to set up adequate number of 
ITIs in un-serviced blocks of the country and train the youth belonging to 
SC/ST, backward classes and minority communities in these ITIs, particularly, 
with reference to traditional skills which these communities possess in good 

The Ministry’s proposal for inclusion of new trades under Craftsmen Training 
Scheme (CTS) for all occupations was also approved by the Council. The proposal 
said that there is a need to increase the number of trades from 110 to 
encompass all sectors of the economy. In the latest revision of National 
Classification of Occupations about 2900 trades have been listed. An effort, 
therefore, should be made to develop course curricula in a phased manner for 
all the occupations/trades in the country which require skilled workforce. 

The Council also decided setting up of a Career Counselling-cum-Placement Cell 
in every ITI/ITC. The proposal put before the Council envisages that State 
Governments/private bodies should provide appropriate infrastructure for the 
functioning of these Placement Cells and Principals of ITI/ITCs should monitor 
the performance of these centres on these basis. 

Development of National Web Portal, Introduction of IT Literacy courses, 
proficiency in English language,and the inclusion of ‘Entrepreneurship 
Development Programme’ in curricula of trainees of ITIs were other important 
initiatives approved by the Council. 

Speaking on the occasion, the Minister said that 1500 new ITIs and 50,000 new 
Skill Development Centres (SDCs) would be set up by Ministry of Labour 
&Employment in Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode . A scheme is being 
formulated for opening of 1500 new ITIs in the blocks that do not have ITIs as 
yet . 

The Directorate General of Employment and Training (DGE&T) has taken up a 
scheme to upgrade 500 Govt ITIs out of which 100 ITIs were taken up for 
upgradation during last year from domestic resources. The World Bank has agreed 
to provide Rs 1581.25 crore for Upgradation of remaining 400 ITIs under 
‘Vocational Training Improvement Project (VTIP)’. Apart from upgradation of 
ITIs, the other major activities to be taken up under VTIP are Training of 
Trainers, Curricula development, Instructional Media Development, Reform 
studies and support for innovation-pilot projects.

Another scheme, which DGE&T has taken up this year is Skill Development 
Initiative . The scheme aims to train , test and certify one million persons 
under Modular Employable Skills (MES) framework during next five years. The 
Ministry of Labour & Employment has developed MES framework for skill 
development for early school leavers and existing workers, especially in the 
un-organised sector, in close consultation with industry, micro enterprises, 
State Governments, experts and academia. 

Under the new Scheme, an Industry Partner will be associated with each 
Government ITI to lead the process of upgradation and an interest free loan 
upto Rs. 2.5 cr. will be given directly to the IMC Society for upgrading the 
training infrastructure of the ITI. The Memorandum of Agreement, to be signed 
among different stakeholders, has been finalized. 

Earlier Shri Oscar Fernandez presented the running shield for the year 2004 and 
2006 to the State of Tamil Nadu for securing highest total marks in all the 
trades in all India level skill competition for craftsmen and Apprentices. For 
the year 2005, the running shield was presented to the State of Maharashtra by 
the Minister. He also gave away awards, Certificates of Honours from President 
of India for best training companies under Apprenticeship Training Scheme to 
M/s MICO Industries, Bangalore for 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 and to M/s Tata 
Motors Ltd., Pune for 2003 and 2004. 


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