           * * * * *                http://www.goanet.org                * * * 
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Stage Play:  ON  THE  HOLY  TRAIL
Staged By:   The Mustard Seed Art Company 
Where:         Kala Academy - Mini Open-air Auditorium
When:          Dec 20 & 21, 2007  @  7pm

Read a Review at:


Have you read any article or book written by a genuine
historian (marxist and non-marxist) or any original
historical document that substantiates the claims that
you are making here? If so, please provide them to me.
If not, please take the trouble of doing so before you
make your claims. You will realize that there is no
documentary evidence for many of your claims.

Relating authentic brutal facts about history in a
dispassionate manner is fine e.g. the letters of SFX.
Using unauthenticated writings from political op-eds
and websites, and any odd excuse for public incitement
are not.



Chinmay Bhandari wrote:

> Dear Rajan,
> Thanks for your detailed explanation about Hindu
> deities. Miguel Braganza is merely inventing facts
> so
> that he can spin them the way he wants.His arguments
> about hindu deities is patently bogus. Like you have
> said Shiva is a dravidian import..Of course the
> theory
> that aryans imported hinduism is a bogus one to
> begin
> with. It is the creation of know racists like max
> mueller and others faithfully propagated by marxist
> lemings from the JNU.


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