Dear Victor,
The last sentence "there's room for everybody who lives a good life" is your
own interpretation. That is not part of the passage.

The reading is :
In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told
you. I go to prepare a place for you (King James version).

Now my point is that however much I am loathe to say this, Bhandare is
right. The bible does say that the only way to salvation is through faith in
Jesus Christ.

As to your "no longer the official view of the church", the truth is always
the truth. The church cannot change it to suit the times. In that Selma had
hit a bull's eye when she said that the church was never enough of a leader
to rise above the moral temper of it's times. One truth for yesterday
another for today.

Personally, I do not hold any brief for the claim that the holy books were
"divinely inspired" as in the case of the Bible or "dictated by the angel
Jebrel (Gabriel) to the prophet" as in the case of the Quran. Both hold
several irreconciliable contradictions, the Quran more so. Many of these are
attempted to be explained away by doctors of divinity and other scholars but
to my mind, the bible was meant to be a message to the most simple people,
among whom I count myself. In any case those erudite explanations cause more
disbelief than explanation.

There is more and more widespread historical evidence that the Bible as a
message has been severely tampered with over the ages to suit
particular thoughts and views. Many of the chapters have been removed as
they did not suit specific agendas of the reigning popes or
princes. Archaeology has now dug some of those up. One of them being that
Jesus may have married Mary Magdalene who was his number one apostle.


On Dec 21, 2007 11:59 PM, Victor Rangel-Ribeiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> And I say to you, Mr. Bhandare, that that view no
> longer is the official view of the church. According
> to the New Testament, Christ said: "In my father's
> house there are many mansions." There's room for
> everybody who lives a good life.
> Warm regards,
> Victor

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