In-group/out-group distinctions and territoriality are
basic biological traits with a strong evolutionary
grounding. But one can certainly use reason to
overcome the grotesque elements of these tendencies.
That is what civilization is all about. We can learn
to treat outsiders better. The least we can do is
treat them as human beings and afford them a modicum
of dignity. It is only worth preserving the good in
our heritage. The bad in it can lead to our downfall.
The surest way to destroy our identity is to propagate
its worst features by inbreeding and insular

And those of us who have resolved to uphold the
constitution of India as proud citizens of that great
country must remember that one of our fundamental
constitutional duties is "to promote harmony and the
spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of
India transcending religious, linguistic and regional
or sectional diversities".



--- "Rajan P. Parrikar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To Goanet -
> Contrary to what Comrade Gadgil imagines, the Goan
> Identity is
> neither difficult nor elusive to apprehend.  We
> Goans know it 
> when we see it.  The Goan Identity doesn't have to
> be defined
> or justified.  It just is, like most other
> recognizable Identities.  

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