Hi Joe
   Many thanks for saying the kind of things many caste carrying people pretend 
does not exist in Goa. An explanation for such chardi behaviour (as in your 
excellent example), is that these are pretend Catholics but who are utterly 
caste in belief. They like to think they are modern in thinking because of 
modern lifestyles but their mind-sets are truly feudal. 
  There is no such thing as Christian Love Thy Neighbour As Thyself with such 
people, except exceptionally. It is only, love and support your caste members 
and ignore the rest. This kind of segregation in belief and practise has been 
most destructive to solidarity in the Catholic Goan Community in Goa. The 
sooner the poisonous head of this caste snake is cut off, the sooner will caste 
be eradicated and this can happen sooner than later whatever weak arguements 
are presented by the caste apologists..
  I have received many private posts like yours, stretching from Toronto to 
Perth and Melbourne in Australia and agreeing with much of what I have said in 
this long discussion on caste on Goanet. It is now time for such private posts 
on caste to become public like yours.
  For those hesitant because of their English presentation, I will be delighted 
to help privately, on both sides of the divide incidentally, to tidy up the 
English but the content will have to be entirely what the person wants to say.

  Good on you Joe. Thank you very much. Please encourage others to recount 
their stories too.
  Cornel DaCosta, London, UK.

JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    Caste System: 'Chardi' with a priest in the family

Ref: My earlier writing on caste sytem etc.. I know some of you like it and 
some of you don’t.


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