Thanks so much!
God Bless
Fabian Correia> Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2007 16:33:42 +0530> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [Goanet-News] Goa Archbishop's Christmas 
Message (2007)> > Goa Archbishop's Christmas Message (2007)> > It is Christmas 
once again. Our beautiful villages and towns are dressed up> for the 
festivities. It warms our hearts to see how our people in Goa --> regardless of 
religion -- come together to celebrate their sense of> neighbourhood, their 
sense of belonging and their sense of caring for each> other. The celebration 
of sharing in our homes and parishes during this> joyful season is a matter of 
delightful pride. It is as if we become a> human family again.> > May this 
spirit continue throughout the New Year. Amidst the difficulties> that we face 
in life, amidst the mindless wars and ruthless violence that> surround us, 
amidst the grave injustices and exploitation that mark our era,> may we find 
ever new and creative ways to resonate with the song of joy and> with the 
promise of peace brought by the Birth of Jesus Christ.> > As we wish, with 
great warmth, a truly Joyful and Grace-filled Christmas to> everyone in this 
State of Goa, we would like to re-commit ourselves to be> bearers of justice, 
promoters of peace and witnesses to truth to all people,> far and wide, near 
and dear.> > > + Filipe Neri Ferrao> Archbishop of Goa and Daman> 
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> Spread the Christmas Cheer, even when you're not here!> Send classic 
greetings to your loved ones in Goa.> EXPRESSIONS - 2007 Christmas Hamper> 
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