--- Antonio Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> According to the Aquarian Gospel, Jesus' formative
> years were spent in
> India ( Jagannath in Orissa, Benares, ets ) Tibet,
> Persia, Assirya,
> Greece and Egypt.

There is absolutely no historical evidence to support
the hypothesis that Jesus spent his early life in
India. This hypothesis has been put forward by
enthusiastic writers, but Jesus has also been spotted
in Greece, Egypt and even America by other equally
enthusiastic writers and sects of Christianity.
Antonio Menezes wrote:
> However, Jesus Christ's  disapproval of  of casteist
> classification of
> human beings  could be of some interest to  '' bamon
> '' lordships and
> reverends  in Goa and elsewhere
> Antonio

The Jews had their own system of discriminatory
classification of society. Whatever family Jesus might
have been born into, it became important for
(supposed) chroniclers of his life to insist he was
born into the House of David. This proved his royal
lineage and fulfilled the prophecy.

Early Christianity was very discriminatory and had no
intention of including "non-circumcised gentiles" into
this religion. It was St Paul who won this argument
and thus began the spread of Christianity to non-Jews.

The spread of early Christianity was westwards into
feudal Europe, a system parallel to casteism in India,
including the bondage of humans to the land, the
barriers in inter-marriage and the stratification of
labour. Collectively Christianity did little to
alleviate the inhumane status of serfs, vassals and
other bonded labour, perhaps even colluding in
maintaining this system that supported their endless
wars in the Holy Land. 

Christianity at various times have been complicit in
regimes that support discrimination of human beings
including a soft-approach to casteism in Goa,
Apartheid in South Africa and slavery in the US.

It is not organised religion or the collective thought
of religion that advances humanity. It is always
seminal thinkers born into these religions that
advance the cause of humanity and then we move forward
as a society. Great thinkers have been born into
Christianity, as have great thinkers been born into
Islam and Hinduism, who have advanced science,
mathematics, rationality and humanism.

As Bertrand Russel once said, "religions mature like a
fine wine", seeing that Bertrand was an agnostic, I
interpret this to mean humanity matures like a
fine-wine, and then religion follows suite.


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