On 31/12/2007, Rajan P. Parrikar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[1]  By the time Selma's beloved secular Congress party is done with
Goa, Catholics will be less than 0.1% of the Goan population.
[2] Miguel Braganza will be pleased since it will all be very
peacefully accomplished.
[3] The "young Goan Hindus" will first have to visit the Goa State
Museum at Patto to see what a Goan Catholic looks like.

jc's response:

Dear all,

It is my personal hope that whichever direction Goa's future take her,
it is one which will be 'walked' in peace and not violence. In that
regard, I fully support Miguel Braganza.

It is unclear what exactly Rajan Parrikar is suggesting that Goans do.

Is he suggesting that Goans take to the streets and create enough
anarchy to force the  present Goa Govt to step down, and organise that
the BJP take over?

If not - what is he saying?

Parrikar might be quite right when he says that "Catholics will be
less than 0.1% of the Goan population". If that is what is to be
....that is what is to be.  NO force on earth will be able to change

How exactly does Parrikar suggest that Catholics become more than 0.1%
of the Goan population? By violence? I suggest that Goans do NOT take
the path of violence.

And how exactly is the 'Catholic' different in looks from a
'non-Catholic' Goan? Perhaps, Mr. Parrikar will explain.

Something appears amiss in Mr. Parrikar's line of thought. Personally
speaking, I do not know How anybody can Legally prevent any other
Indian citizen from migrating to Goa or even a million of Indian
citizens suddenly swamping Goa. Indian citizens have a constitutional
right of movement throughout India (save security zones).

If anything, perhaps we will ask ourselves: How did IFFI assist in the
advertisement of Goa as the place for "Chalta hai".

And NOW, it is that same IFFI in a JIFFY Manohar Parrikar who is
talking about stabilising the population of Goa!

Really? .......................How?

ps: I am happy that future Goans will have difficulty distinguishing
'Catholic' Goans from others. Hopefully, we will be seen as Goans i.e.
One People who will stretch out and help each other - whether we are
Catholic, Hindu or athiests; and whether we are in Goa or in distant

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