The Goa govt has decided to withdraw all SEZs in Goa.... Its PEOPLES POWER
again... the people of Goa have WON... and they have shown the govt of Goa
and ALL the politicians that

"come what may... we will get what we want and what is beneficial to us, the
ppl of Goa and our land".....

I think Goa has set an example in India.. they have shown other states the
path to success... how people power can work....

Kudos to the people of Goa... and a thank you to the Govt of Goa for bowing
down to the wishes of the people and respecting their say.

Congratulations to all the groups that opposed SEZs in Goa.. the SEZ Virodhi
Manch, The Peoples Movement Against Sezs, The Goa Movement Against SEzs and
the Youth For Goa....


Truth Liberates

Peace and Love...


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