Dear Goanetters,

"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what
is woven into the lives of others" - Periccles.

One of our Goanet friends made a bouquet of all your valued messages on the
demise of Jorge, and sent them to me, as if on a tray. When I thanked him
for his gesture, he said, "I am glad you've read what Jorge de Abreu Noronha, your dear departed husband, meant to just some lives he touched ... at Goanet."
(Since this friend does not deign that I disclose his identity, I shall
respect his wishes.)

Thank you, each and every one of you, for all the wonderful things you said.
Jorge really seems to have lived his "dash" well.

It may please you to know that Jorge's dinner on Saturday, 24/11 was "pez"
with "kalchi coddi" -- of the previous day's "sambarachi coddi" made with
prawn and "sambar" powder bought from Dr. Nandkumar Kamat's brothers at
"Mercearia Mukunda" in Pangim. He ate it with relish.

He asked me to cook the same for Sunday dinner. I did that again, but the
"tondda laicheac" was left-over fish roe "Vindalho" and I told him that was
If he wished to continue to have pez at night instead of vegetable soup,
it would have to be with "chepni ambli" or "tor," perhaps something lighter.

All of you, I guess, were right. Jorge was a Khoro Goenkar.

Just as he would, let me set some records right: He was not Mapuca born
but Pangim born, at his maternal grandmother's place. He did not teach at
a University in Oeiras -- there is no University in Oeiras.

Thank you, each one of you, once again and wish you a Very happy New Year,

My mother used to say "mellea phatlhant konn monna". I don't know how far
that is true.

One of my friends who called me from Goa said to me "Livia, you are a big
girl" and immediately my mind started hammeing "big girls don't cry, big
girls don't cry" .But this, definitly, cannot be true.


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