Thank God we are all cafeteria customers when it comes
to our respective religions. Society progresses
because human beings are able to discern that two
differing positions cannot concurrently be tenable.
For instance at some point it becomes untenable to
believe that the world was created in seven days while
simultaneously believing in the gradual evolution of

Each person chooses their own untenable positions, for
me it was the rather benign parable of the Prodigal
Son. The reason this parable has such resonance is
because every human being imagines themselves to the
Prodigal Son. Unfortunately even as a very young
child, I identified with the other son; the good,
dutiful son who did all the right things. My own elder
brother was very errant, and my mother went out of her
way to accommodate his many failings and lack of
academic interest. Ofcourse, being ten I knew all
about Law and Justice and little about motherly love.

However, the crux of the matter was that Jesus Christ
had deeply misrepresented the feelings of the dutiful
son and completely misunderstood his angst. If Christ
could show such deficiency in his understanding of
human nature, than his being Divine was an untenable
position for me.

The reason I write this is because of late, some
rather strong posts have been made about eternal
salvation and this being achieved primarily through
Jesus Christ. This position as the truth is untenable
when juxtaposed against every human beings unalienable
right to embrace whatever belief system he finds
comfort in, and lead a moral live within that system.

If one does believe in salvation resting in just one
religion, this is a rather shameful precept and should
be worn not on your sleeve but rather like a tattoo,
hidden from sight, seeing that it is an affront to
every civilised notion of humanity.


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  • [G... D'Souza, Avelino
    • ... Carvalho
      • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
        • ... Carvalho
          • ... Alfred de Tavares

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